Hopes for the New Year

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       Sunrise, the first one of the new year. A popular new year thing to do is to travel towards mountainous terrain outside of the city to watch the event to not only appreciate the dawn of a new year but to admire the magic, beauty, and potential the rising sun can bring as it hovers over the earth. In Tokyo and at Kiyoni's apartment, she and Shuuichi laid comfortably on her couch, in each other's arms, and under her favorite blanket. Shuuichi awakened first to find Kiyoni asleep on his chest. She must've had a good dream, was very relaxed, or was more tired than she led on due to the small spot of saliva found on Shuuichi's shirt. He didn't mind because it was going to be washed out anyway.

"Hey. Kiyoni," he whispered, "Wake up. Kiyoni..."

Kiyoni scrunched her face upon waking up, cutting off the small stream of drool, "Mm. Yeah?"

"Good morning."

"Mm, good morning," Kiyoni realized, "No! Sunrise! I wanted to see it!"

"Kiyoni, there was no way we were going to do that in time. We didn't go to sleep until about 3 in the morning."

"Aw, man. But it was the first one of the year."

"Aww. I'm sorry. There will be others in the near future. Though, watching you was enough for me."


"Your headwrap and the way you sat up just now reminded me of the sun rising."

Kiyoni wore a yellow head wrap that matched her shorts. It was tied to where there was a knotted bun over her forehead.

Kiyoni looked up and sucked on her teeth upon hearing that comment, "That was so lame."

"Sorry. I tried. Could you do me a favor?"

"What's that?"

"Could you get up? I, eh, gotta go--"

"Oh," Kiyoni stood up, "Sorry. Yeah, sure."

Shuuichi rushed to the bathroom, "Thank you."

While he was away, Kiyoni made a beeline to her kitchen. It was time to prepare for her new year devotional to her deities.

After relieving himself and washing his hands, Shuuichi proceeded to throw some water over his face to wake himself up some more. How refreshing. Once his face met the mirror, he's startled upon seeing his reflection again. His heart raced and his body shivered by the time human fingers touched clawed ones. Even though the reflection was visually different from the real thing, the movements were the same. Shuuichi analyzed his impression in the glass like he had just shaved his beard. The image had a sharper jawline, a smaller nose like a fox, menacing eyes, and of course longer, silver hair.

"It was you," Shuuichi said, "It was you."

The reflection moved on its own, taking on Kurama's personality, "You're right. It was me. However...you and I...are the same. So what does that make you?"

"What are you talking about? Don't you dare bring me into this. I wasn't even there."

"Yes, you were. We were there. No matter how you rationalize it, we were there. I just did what you wanted to."

"Lies! Kiyoni is not that kind of woman."

"She's a succubus, Shuuichi. She is that kind of woman. A succubus that wants you, us, as much as we want her. I just have the bigger balls to give it to her."

"Stop it. Stop it right now. Kiyoni is different. I know she is."

"And you're naive if you continue to think that way. She's only around you until we give her what she wants. It's how she lives. It's how they all live. How long will you lead her on, Shuuichi? How much longer will you continue to deny her the very thing she needs to survive? Forget your bullshit teachings and give in."

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