Arc Two, part five: The Situation

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       Kiyoni sat in her apartment and waited. And waited and waited and waited. She waited sitting on her bed. She waited watching TV. She waited nibbling on some snacks. The entire time, Kiyoni couldn't let go of that knife unless it was absolutely necessary. She was that paranoid. And then came a buzz.

"Ahhh," she screamed, completely forgetting that she had an intercom, "Wh-wh-who is it?"

"Kiyoni, it's me," Kurama thought it would be a good idea to enter the building like a normal person this time. Well, it was more like Shuuichi's idea for Kurama to use it as his own

"I'm here as promised," he spoke in Shuuichi's voice.

"Are you sure it's you? How do I know it's you, you?"

That gave Kurama pause. How would he be able to prove himself?

"Just come clean," Shuuichi suggested.

"Easier said than done," Kurama replied.

"Kiyoni's no fool. She's already aware of some of our actions and has grown suspicious. We both know this. Come on. It's all honesty from here on out."

Kurama disdainfully sighed, "Kiyoni, I...that's the thing. Proving myself is going to be a bit...complicated."

"Complicated? Complicated how? Suu'chi, don't you bullshit me."

"I'm not bullshitting you. I'm telling you the truth. Please let me in."

What did he saaaaay?

Kiyoni watches way too many TikTok videos.

Did he just say "bullshit"?

"I'm buzzing you in," she declared via the intercom.

Step one, enter the building. Check. Step two, making it past the apartment door, currently in progress. Kurama gave two knocks and waited on the door for Kiyoni's response, using his sense of smell to detect her presence. She reeked of fear and nervousness. The type of nervousness brought on by a volatile storm that not everyone is fully prepared for.

"Suu'chi...I'm opening the door and you know my policy."

"I know you have a weapon on you and I'm prepared for that. However, there's something you should know first."

"What's that?"

"When you open this door..." Kurama sighed in apprehension and shame while covering the peephole, "you're not going to like what you're about to see. In fact, I know you're not."

"What are you talking about? Did you grow a tail or something?"

Kurama looked back at his own tail, "Something like that."

"Now I'm worried."

"Apologies but I'm serious. I need you to trust me, Kiyoni. Do you trust me?"

"You're the only man of God I know who hasn't fucked me over so..."

Bit by bit, the door is unlocked and opened. Kurama was right. Kiyoni didn't like what she saw.

She was terrified by it, "No. Ra's fucking"

Silver hair and a matching tail, amber yellow eyes, a taller physique. The physical features Shishi talked about when it was first brought up by Kiyoni.

"Kiyoni..." Kurama said in his own voice as he eased his way inside, "Kiyoni, I know this looks bad but I need you to keep calm for just a few moments. Allow me to explain myself."

Shuuichi warned Kurama to be ready for anything Kiyoni may pull and since it was the first time Kurama and Kiyoni meet face-to-face, officially, Kurama didn't know what Kiyoni would do. Didn't stop him from thinking dirty thoughts along the way. The amount of cutouts Kiyoni had on her outfit were very tempting and upon first glance, Kurama wanted to rip Kiyoni's outfit apart and expose everything underneath. Still, Kurama braced himself for anything.

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