I Call, "Sanctuary"

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       No one knew why Kiyoni woke up as excitedly as she did the following Sunday, but she did and she didn't care what anyone thought. Yes, Sunday was church Sunday, but she's not going for service. In spite of that, Kiyoni decided to dress conservatively again, going with a simple black tracksuit.

Oh, shit! I don't know what time to be there!

Divine company must've heard Kiyoni for the answer to her question came in the form of a text from Shuuichi.

"Who the hell is this?"

"Good morning, Kiyoni," Shuuichi greeted with a sunrise and smiling emoji.

"New phone. Who dis?"

"Oh this isn't Kiyoni?"

"It is. Who is this?"

"Sorry. Shuuichi. Miss Juri gave me your number after your performance."

Thank you, Juri. You're a real one. I owe you big time.

"Oh okay. Ra's salutations to you."

"You don't mind?"

"No, not at all. I'm glad you texted me. What [clock emoji] should I be at the [church emoji]?"

"Noon is best. Maybe 1230. You don't even have to be at the front door."

"Where am I supposed to go then?"

Shuuichi sent Kiyoni a picture of the back entrance of the church:

"There. When you approach the [building emoji] you're going to go to the right side of the building. Wait for me there to let you in."

"Come to church, head to the back. Got it."

"[grin and thumbs up emojis]"

"See you then."

Kiyoni placed her phone down to finish getting ready, You better not put me on some bullshit, Shuuichi.

Meanwhile, Shuuichi had to figure out how to handle the upcoming meeting to a point where both Shinobu and Kiyoni can be satisfied. Shinobu was told that Kiyoni would be attending mass today. However, Kiyoni will be coming after service. What's a deacon to do?

"Good morning, Deacon Shuuichi," Yukina greeted during service preparations.

"Sister Yukina, a pleasant morning to you. Have you seen Father Shinobu?"

"Oh, he's in his office, I think. Probably going over today's sermon."

"Thank you. Bless you."

"You're welcome. Will we be seeing your friend today?"

That placed a pause in Shuuichi's stride, "My friend?"

"Yes. The one with the hair."

"Ohhhhh. Her. She...said she would be here. Her name is Kiyoni by the way."

"Oh, right. Kiyoni. I look forward to seeing her again. She's quite spirited."

"...That she is. I have to go. Excuse me."

Yukina noticed everything about Shuuichi upon talking about Kiyoni. His mannerisms were completely different than usual; as if he was excited to see Kiyoni. Was it possible that he's found a companion?

"Excuse me. Father?" Shuuichi spoke after knocking.

"Yes," Shinobu responded, "Oh, Deacon Shuuichi. Enter."

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