Judgment Day

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          Kiyoni heard the assignment, processed the assignment, agreed with the assignment, and went to work on the assignment. She went straight home without making any stops along the way. As soon as she got home, she didn't even make time to remove her coat, walking through her apartment in house slippers. She grabbed an overnight bag that was once used as a gym bag and got to work filling it up. Given the indoor temperature of Shuuichi's greenhouse, Kiyoni had no trouble packing a few bikinis along with some coconut oil and cocoa butter body lotion. She also packed her toothbrush and toothpaste, a few towels, her special body soap and facial wash. Flip flops, her laptop, webcam, ring light, and foods such as strawberries, apples, some honey, and dragonfruit all recently purchased from a local Costco. She also decided to bring her bonnets and pillows. Two days may be a short time but Kiyoni was going to make sure those days will be the best or most memorable days ever. However, people are wondering what's the latest. One of them was Juri who called while Kiyoni was packing.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Kiyoni! Hey! We haven't heard from you."


In comes caller number two, Shishi, "What's up?"

"Hey, guys. I'm actually busy right now so make it quick."

"So what happened," Shishi asked.

"Two days."

"Two days," Juri repeated, "Two days for what?"

"Until a decision is made."

Shishi shrieked, "What?! Two days?"

"Two days. There's a lot to go through."

"There are nine judges," Juri protested, "How much could they actually go through?"

Kiyoni clapped back, "If you two were there, you would know. Shinobu's team tried it with Suu'chi and I. Trying to drop mics on us and shit. Yeah, fucking right."

"How so," Shishi wondered.

"Okay, so they tried to make it seem like it was my fault for Kurama running through Kabukicho because they said that he was mad about not sleeping with me that night. Bullshit, right? Then later, they tried to make it seem like Shinobu was innocent and that all those murders and attacks around the city and the shit that went down on the other side were the faults of his fucking zombie followers. But then Shinobu fucked up and said that if they hadn't even thought of going to church, they never would've been what they were. So Shinobu fucked up there. So after all that and whatever, the judge said they were going to spend the next two days going over everything and making a decision."

"Wow," Juri marveled, "So what are you gonna do until then?"

"This is why I said I'm busy. I'm going on a trip."

"Again," Shishi inquired, "Where to this time? Osaka?"

"No. Eden."

Both Shishi and Juri responded, "What?"

Kiyoni huffed, "Suu'chi's greenhouse. He calls it Eden. Well, when we get there, it will be. Essentially, we're gonna spend the next two days locked up in that garden."

"Ooh," Juri grinned, "That actually sounds hot. That whole garden-of-paradise/Adam-and-Eve fantasy thing going on. Ooh! Aww, Kiyoni."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too."

"Well, be careful," Shishi warned, "You might just end up with a Cain or Abel afterwards."

"Funny even though I've just taken a morning after pill."

Both Shishi and Juri shriek, "What?!"

Shishi demanded, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Timeout. Did you just say what I think you did?"

A Thin Line Between Lust and LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon