A (Black) Dream Wedding Come True

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Five years since the very first meeting...

          A wedding is about to take place inside the confines of Lighthouse Tokyo. However, this wedding is somewhat distinctive. Interspecies and interracial weddings aren't uncommon in this day and age and this one is no different. The only thing that makes it unique is its execution. On this day, members and residents of Lighthouse Tokyo are all invited to the wedding of Minamino Shuuichi and Ikeda Kiyoni.

On the groom's side, things seem to be in order. Everyone is dressed to the nines and Kiyoni's uncle and father seem to be having a time laughing and carrying on with cigars in their mouths. If they were in tune with something more green, Shuuichi wouldn't mind. Speaking of, he stood in front of a full-length mirror overlooking his entire ensemble. It was the exact same one he wore in his dreams, down to the very last detail. The only addition was the decorative white stole he wore around his neck and shoulders accented in golden elements including the cross on both sides. He even went out and got his hair, ears, and tail re-dyed back to that ruby red color with vibrant silver highlights his bride loved so much and was all kept back in a braided ponytail.

"This is it," he told himself, "There is absolutely no turning back from this day forward."

"You look sharp," Shishi approved. He wore the same suit except his vest was gold instead of red.

"Thank you. You think Kiyoni would approve?"

"Yeah. This is Kiyoni we're talking about. Are you sure she was okay with you picking out her dress? I mean, I never heard of the groom doing something like that before. I thought that was all the bride's job."

"Believe me. I was hesitant, myself. However, I couldn't think of anything else she could pull off. Her body shape is just...too perfect for me. Too perfect for that dress. You should've seen her face when I suggested black as the color."

"Ha! Yeah. That too. The color. That's going to be something. I am wondering though..."


"Well...oh, no. Don't worry about it. It's nothing."

"Out with it, Shishi."

"Well, Kiyoni may not have known this but...we don't age. I'm pushing close to two centuries. Now that you are what you are, you're probably not gonna age much either. She's human so..."

"Shishi, if you're implying what I think you're implying, that is the most superficial thing you have ever said. No wonder your kind is afraid of love. I love Kiyoni. I love the woman that she was, the woman she has become, and the woman she will be. So what if she ages? Have you seen her mother? Her mother is in her early sixties and she could easily pass for forty. I'm not worried about things like that. Especially today. We went through emotional, mental, and physical hell together and have progressed ever since. I know she'll age but I will love her just the same."

"What if she decides to be a yokai again? Like find some...twisted way of going about it?"

Although calm, Shuuichi yearned to drop a mic on Shishi. Between the time Kiyoni lost the essence of the entity and today's wedding day, the goddess, Hathor, must've decided to give Kiyoni some of her blessings. She was still human but her magic touch and entrancing eyes were still intact. It helped out greatly during her studies.

"As opposed to how she became one in the first place? If she does decide to go that route, that will be on her provided that I am aware of it and that it doesn't put our lives in danger," Shuuichi proclaimed.

"What about children?"

Shuuichi had to think about that. If the pair does decide to start a family, said children will be different in more ways than one; racially and interspecific.

A Thin Line Between Lust and LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz