Chapter 69: Kokabiel

Start from the beginning

“I see you all foolishly decided to come alone, has the Black Dragon King abandoned you to your deaths? No, that dragon is far too attached to you all to do that. Are either Serafall and Sirzechs coming?" He asked, leaning his chin on his fist.

Rias spoke, "I do not have any obligation to answer yo—" 

Before she could even finish her phrase, a large flash of light flew past her and everyone.



The sound of wind tearing was followed by an explosion that manifested in a large pillar of light that echoed throughout the area! They all shielded themselves before opening their eyes and finding the gymnasium, having turned into nothing but dust by Kokabiel's light spear.

“That is not what I asked you. Next time, answer my questions.” stated Kokabiel, putting his hand down after lifting a finger to fire his spear, glaring at the stunned young Devils. After a moment, he let out a sigh of disappointment, “Boring. Well, that’s okay. It will be a little entertaining to kill all of you.”

'We can't beat him,' a small traitorous voice rang inside Kiba's head. 'You're going to get them killed, you won’t be able to protect your friends… just like your first family.' 

These thoughts directly attacked his core, adding more weight upon his shoulders for bringing his friends into this situation.

No! He could do this! The last thing the Knight of Gremory needed was to have doubts and second-guess himself in the middle of a battle.

"Great almighty God, this is on a different level…." Irina whispered in awe at the display of power. 

"He is a Cadre. His name has been recorded in the bible since ancient times. He survived and led the Fallen during the Great War, and was there to watch the battle between God and the original Maous. We should not take him lightly." Xenovia said, agreeing with her partner's reaction.

They didn't stand a chance from the beginning. Hikigaya Hachiman was right. She remembered how he mocked them for their arrogance, but a part of her still refused to accept defeat from just a single attack.

She reached her hand up in the air, closing her eyes as she began chanting. "Saint Peter. Saint Basil the Great. Saint Denis. Holy-mother Mary. Please hear my call.”

"Wait, you're already bringing our trump card out now!?" Irina exclaimed, not expecting her partner to go all out from the get-go.

The blue-haired girl merely nodded her head, for they can’t go any less against a Cadre, as she continued her chant. “In the names of the saints who reside within this blade, stand guard, for I will release its might on thee, foul creature—Durandal!”

Light shined before her hand as it condensed into a giant blue sword with golden edges. A sight that would have taken Hachiman aback as the sword itself was as big as a regular human!

"Durandal!?” Valper shouted in disbelief.

Before the fight even began, Valper was not prepared for such a revelation. A sword he dreamed as much about as Excalibur… said to even equal the legendary blade in terms of power! 

“You were not the wielder of the Excalibur!?”

Not just him, even Kokabiel couldn’t hide his tiny bit of surprise and slight excitement at this turn of events, before returning back to a look of boredom.

“Wrong. I was originally the wielder of Durandal and was also chosen as the holder of Excalibur Destruction, that’s all.” Xenovia said with a smug grin.

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