Chapter 24

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Billy, Billy, Billy

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Billy, Billy, Billy.

Karen continues to gossip on about mom drama happening on the block as she sits behind Ada, dutch braiding her long hair. "And we've been trying to figure out a way to confirm our suspicions of Dottie's husband sleeping with the babysitter." If Ada was being honest, she wasn't paying attention to hardly anything the woman babbled on about. All she could focus on was Billy Hargrove.

"Mom?" She speaks after Karen finishes her thoughts. "Hmm?" The feeling of her smooth fingertips running through her hair was relaxing, her eyes drifted shut as her braid was being finished. "I think I might be getting sick or something...I don't feel right."

At the mention of it, Karen frowns, tilting the girls head back to feel her forehead.

Some part of Ada felt so happy that she gets moments like these now, motherly affection that she hasn't gotten in years. "Well you don't feel warm, why don't you feel right?"

She hugs her knees to her chest, spinning around on the couch to face her. "Because I feel like my brain is in a's strange."

Billy looked best in red and blue.

"Maybe you aren't sleeping well enough through the night?"

"Maybe...Hey, so you know Liv?" She was gonna get answers somehow and in a way she wouldn't feel embarrassed.

"Yes, is she sick?"

"No no." Ada laughs. "Well she's been seeing this boy for a while now and she's been asking me all these questions because she really likes him. Well she says she isn't sure what she's been feeling lately, it's hard to explain. Liv says she feels really overwhelmed by him now, in-in a good way, like she feels so many emotions at once but she can't name them."

The woman tucks her legs under her, loving the feeling of youth again as the younger girl involves her. "Well, this boy, is he kind to Olivia? What has he been doing that has caused these new emotions for her?"

Absentmindedly, her fingers go up to fiddle with her necklace, something Karen catches. "Well at first he wasn't that sweet, but she says lately he's changed for the better. They got into this argument not too long ago and that's when they figured out what they needed to do in order for their relationship to work out. Now he''s like he's putting in so much effort now, Liv really likes it. She always tells me how she gets so giddy around him, and sometimes it feels like she's just burning up. It's really strange."

"Well," Karen begins to advise, "I would say she's going through what every teenage girl goes through. And it could be one of two things. One is she has a lot of hormones she's trying to figure out, and when raging hormones mix with boys who say all the right things doesn't go well."

"And the other one?" Ada was afraid that what she was thinking, was going to be the thing to come out of her mouth. "Or, Liv is falling in love."

Love, love, love.

Looks That Kill ~ 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now