Chapter 14

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The cold made her breath come out foggy and she could feel her nose freeze up

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The cold made her breath come out foggy and she could feel her nose freeze up.

Jogging down the street, she looks beside her to see the boy visibly struggle. "Steve, I told you not to run with me." She states with a laugh as he heaves. "No I'm good, I'm good, I just need to- Jesus Christ- I just need to take a break." He stops, leaning over to place his hands on his knees.

When she passed his house, he came out to greet her, then automatically felt that she needed a buddy as she ran. Ada of course was annoyed, she didn't run with people for a reason. For one, they couldn't keep up, and for two she liked the silence.

But Mr. 'Hero' Harrington reminded her that there were monsters lurking about not even three months ago.

So that's where this leaves them.

Steve dry heaves and gasps for air and Ada awkwardly pats his back. "We can turn back if you want, Harrington."

"No no, I'm good. Shit, Ada, how can you make it this far?"

She laughs, "Here, stand up and put you hands behind your head and walk with me." He listens, calming his breath.

"When you've been training your body since you were six, shit like this isn't any big deal."

He looks at her, "Yeah Nancy said you were like some ballerina. Thought she was kidding."

The girls shakes her head. " she wasn't."

To her surprise, Steve was a good conversation. He listened and she wasn't completely bored when he spoke. She wasn't even pissed off when she walked him back home so he wouldn't collapse. She dropped him off at his door, bidding goodbye before running on.


Nancy was fast asleep by the time Ada got out of the shower. With a towel wrapped around herself, her wet hair clung to her skin as she searched for clothes.

Dropping the towel, she's oblivious to the fact that the bedroom window slowly opens. Billy smiles to himself as he crawls in, careful and quiet. His eyes trace down her bare back, watching her shoulder blades flex as she dresses.

"Hey." He finally speaks quietly, making her gasp and spin around. "Jesus. You pervert, what are you doing here?" Her hand lays over her heart and she glares as he chuckles. "Put some pants on, I want to go do something."

And she nods, dressing and giving one last look to Nance who snores and lays dead asleep in her bed before crawling out of the window. Shushing each other as they cross the lawn, Ada can't help but giggle a little at the excitement and adrenaline of it all. She slips into one of his jackets she always wears and her wet hair is bound to freeze she thinks.

"Where are we going?" She asks as they walk down the road to his hidden parking spot. His hand in hers, he simply shrugs. "I haven't really figured that out yet. Hope you don't have anything early to do in the morning because I might just have to keep you out all night." Even in the dark, she can still see his cunning smile.

Looks That Kill ~ 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now