Chapter 13

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It was a race as soon as her feet hit the carpet in realization that her alarm never went off

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It was a race as soon as her feet hit the carpet in realization that her alarm never went off.

The snow outside fluttered lightly and she yanks her high waisted jeans up her legs. She curses once she hears the engine park outside, scrambling to throw on the first shirt she can find and she would have run out the door without shoes if it wasn't for Nancy who was already dressed and patiently waiting for Jonathan.

Her hair was flat and she desperately tried to turn her head down and shake it out for some sort of volume, running her fingers through it.

Outside, Billy honks the car horn, making her grow even more irritated as she shoves makeup into her bag and runs down the stairs. He honks once more as she finally opens the door, looking at her through the window with an annoyed look.

"Jesus, I'm coming!" She shouts before turning back inside. Karen places a plate of cut up waffles in front of Holly at the kitchen table, looking over to Ada as she appears in the doorway. "Good morning and goodbye." She says in a breath before turning again, back outside, before the woman has time to respond.

Max sits looking bored in the back seat as she gets in, Billy eyeing her and looking irritated.

"If you aren't gonna be ready by the time I get here, I'm not even gonna bother to pick you up." He states in a pissed off tone that makes her look at him in disbelief, "I woke up late...sorry."

He just scoffs, quickly backing out of the driveway and hitting his stereo for music to play. Without another word and not in the mood for arguing, she just pulls the mascara out of her bag and pulls down the visor to look in the mirror.

As they drive and she puts her makeup on, her gaze drifts over to Billy, more so the red blooming just under his right cheekbone. She cocks her head in curiosity, wanting to voice her question but the look on his face tells her to back off.

They jolt forward as he slams his brakes, pulling into his usual parking spot in front of the school. Ada lets Max out from the back and as soon as she does, she races off, away from them. Billy doesn't get out of the car, just sits there and kills the engine, waiting for her to get back in.

They sit in silence and she feels silly, why shouldn't she just walk into the school?

"Are you gonna tell me why you're being more of an ass this morning than usual?" She voices.

He only pulls out a cigarette, lighting it in silence. "Billy, what happened? You get into a fight last night or something?"

His eyes glare at her as she speaks, lips exhaling smoke. "God, don't you ever mind your own business? If I wanted to tell you something, I would so just do me a favor, baby, and fuck off."

She doesn't expect his words to hurt that much. Oh, but they do. Her throat tightens and her stomach sinks. "You don't mean that." As she goes to reach for him, to turn his jaw and make him look at her, he snatches her wrist tightly, making her gasp. Pulling her in closer, the boy stares straight into her eyes but the blue of his is shifted into a hue of anger mixed with sadness almost.

Looks That Kill ~ 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now