Thoughts And Feelings

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Hello world! So I've decided to start a new Drabble collection, this time centering around CarLee, one of the cutest couples EVER. Lol. Anyway, yes I'll be taking prompts. I've already gotten a ton of them but I'll still take them. I'm planning on writing 100 for this volume.

So yeah, the main reason that I'm doing his is mostly because people on Deviantart were begging and I just can't disappoint my fans! Also, I just love this pairing! These will be super short, by the way.

So enjoy! This one will be like two prompts mashed into one.

Prompt: Lee is holding Clem's hand and walking with her. He is having thoughts about Carley. Clem is determined to find out just what has Lee so sidetracked.

Prompt: Lee tells Clem that he has feelings for a girl but won't tell her who...


Lee sighed as he and Clem walked hand in hand. He wasn't one for daydreaming, but he was sure doing so today.

He tried to think about other things, but nothing else came to mind. Nothing at all. It was ridiculous.

He looked down at Clem. Her head was bowed down, she was staring down at her feet. It was obvious that she was thinking about something as well. But Lee could assure anyone that the thoughts Clem was having were very different from what Lee was thinking about.

It was Carley. She was the one running through his mind.

The way she would smile at him. He loved the way the corners of her mouth turned up, he wished they she would smile more often because she looked perfect when she was doing so.

The cute way that she cocked her head to the side when she spoke to him and when she was thinking deeply about something.

The way she would always refuse food and anything Lee offered her, because she cared more about Lee or Clem eating first.

Hell, he knew that this was no time at all for romance. He knew that relationships during this time were pretty much doomed to end, and not in a good way. And the fact that his last relationship didn't end too good almost made him stop thinking about Carley. Relationships wee not his strong point. A relationship could always end like that one did, and that's not what he wanted. But to hell with that. He was falling for Carley. Why the hell else would he be thinking about her during every free second he had? He knew that a relationship with her could never end like that. Then again, he had that same thought when he had met his wife...

Lee shook the thoughts from his head. Maybe starting a relationship wasn't right just yet. Maybe these were just feelings for now, feelings he shouldn't really act on just yet. But he wasn't going to deny that he wanted to.

"Lee?" He heard Clem ask him, and he was whisked out of the fantasy world and into reality.

"What's wrong sweet pea?" He asked her sweetly, looking down at the cute little girl.

"Nothing. I was just wondering what you were thinking about. You looked very distracted."

"Nothing honey." He felt embarrassed. How long had he been daydreaming for? He didn't mean to abandon Clem.

"It's okay to daydream. I do it a lot too. You can tell me what you were daydreaming about. I won't laugh or anything."

Lee smiled down at the little girl. "It was nothing honey. Just stupid shit." He said.

Clem gasped. It took Lee a moment to realize what he had just said.

"Oh I'm sorry honey. I really shouldn't talk like that." He said.

"It's okay Lee. So.. What were you thinking about?" She asked.

Lee sighed. How would he explain this to her? "Clem... Have you ever liked a boy before?"

"Like-like?" She asked.

"Yeah, like as a crush."

Clem looked down. "Maybe..." She said.

Lee laughed. This girl couldn't be anymore adorable.

"Why? Do you like a girl?" And she was smart.

"Maybe." Led answered. It wasn't a complete lie.

"Who? Who? Who?"

Lee smiled. "It's a secret."

"Please tell me! I promise I won't tell!"

How could he refuse her? She was too cute.

"If I tell, you don't tell a soul, okay? Especially not Duck."

"I wouldn't ever tell Duck a secret. He'll tell everyone. Just tell me!"

He finally gave in. What harm could it do?

"You know Carley?" He asked.

Clem nodded. It took a moment to understand. "Oh! That's the girl you like! I think she likes you too! No, actually I know that she does." She was smiling from ear to ear. Lee looked down at her.

"Did she tell you that? That she liked me?"

"No. I'm just guessing from the way you look at each other. I didn't know why you would look at each other like that, but now I do! It's because you like each other!"

Lee laughed. Kids were too smart sometimes. Clem was no exception.

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