4 Memories

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I remember finding Newt's body and I remember bringing him back.
In front of me was Newt's limp figure, same position as when I found him but something was horribly wrong. There was so much blood. I ran to his body, it was cold. Dark blood ran down from his mouth.
His eyes shoot open but they weren't his they were black and cold. I fall back.
When I look over the his body again he was gone. I break down as the memory and the new image of him replays over and over again.

It wasn't long until Minho found me but it felt like hours to me.

"(Y/n)! What happened? Are you alright?" He asks as he approaches me curled up holding my head.

He goes down and touches my shoulder I move my head so quickly Minho falls backwards startled. When he sits up I just hug him and cry. After a bit he helps me up to my feet but after only a few steps the world began to spin and I collapsed another memory coming to me but this was a new unfamiliar memory.

I was in a hallway with a couple other boys. The bright lights were slowly turned on chase after us.

"Just keep going!" I say to a boy.

"Why are you helping us?" He asks.

"Because I know what they want to do and—" Just as I say that I hear yelling behind us.

"RUN!" I scream.

And just like that the memory is gone. Not fully conscious I hear Newt's concerned voice.

"Minho! What happened is she ok?"

"She's fine, I think?" Minho says as he continues walking my limp body in his arms.

"What do you mean you think?"

"I found her in a ball on the ground crying and screaming as if in pain, I helped her up but after a couple steps she just collapsed. She's breathing fine and there is no sign of injury." Minho says worry and concern lingering in his words as I feel him lay me down on a bed.


A couple hours later I wake up fully, I see Newt beside me.
"Are you all right? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." I say as I sit up.

     "Love, what happened? Do you want to talk about it?" I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Umm, I think I probably just got a bad headache." I lie but the image of Newt's body came flooding back.

"(Y/n)." Newt pushed seeing though me.

"Can you hold me?"

"I'm here, (Y/n). Don't worry." He pulls me close. I listened to his heartbeat.

"I saw you... like how I found you in the Maze... but worse. Newt you were dead." I sob unable to keep them back any longer. I rest my head on the crook of his neck.

"Sh, I'm here love. Don't worry. I'm all right." He placed a hand on my hand gently.
I pull away and stare at his face. His expression was concerned but there was still his kindness. I looked him over carefully until I was positive he was real and here unharmed.

"I know, I just... I don't know. I can't lose you, I need you." I tell him.

"Love, I'm not going anywhere. When Minho brought you back I feared the worst but then I thought, what if he didn't find you. I think you should take a break from being a Runner for a while." Newt says.

I was thinking about stopping before this incident so I could spend more time with Newt. And no matter how much I wished I could just go on normally and run the Maze without that happening again, those changes were unlikely, I would always about Newt fearing that I would find him like that again. And he needed me with him. I decided to stay.


There were nine jobs in the Glade. Builders, Sloppers, Baggers, Cooks, Med-jacks, Map makers, Track-Hoes, Blood Housers/ Slicers, and Runners. Each job has a Keeper.
Newbies work all of the jobs except Runners until they find the best one for them.

I wasn't a Keeper, even though I was asked, I always turned it down.

I spent most of my time with Newt and sometimes helped Minho out with drawings the Maps, and I was a Med-jack and sometimes helped out Frypan with the cooking.

The rules:
Do your part
Never harm another Glader
NEVER go in the Maze
Never do anything to (Y/n)

Only one boy ever tried to do something to me. Newt got there in time and he beat the shit out of the boy. I had never seen Newt so angry before. After that the boy got banished, No one tried again.


Life went on in the Glade a new Greenie coming every month, I almost always helped show them around. Some boys were jealous that Newt got to date me. But they soon learned they didn't have a chance. Newt rarely got mad.
Those next two years were the best I ever had, mainly because of Newt and the memories that I randomly got were never really pleasant. But yet there was always an urge to leave, to find a way out.


The newest Greenie was a little boy, Chuck. Seeing him made me more furious at WICKED. The boy looked to be only 12 years old. The youngest to ever come. The boy was terrified like most. Chuck is a sweet boy though, he likes to smile, joke and talk, a lot. He is sweet, innocent.

Now enough about the past let's get to the point.

Mistake || The Maze Runner || Y/n x Newt Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang