16 We Can Escape

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We turned around and ran into the Maze. I didn't feel right leaving some of the boys behind, but we gave them a choice and we couldn't force it.
It broke my heart watching Newt run with his limp. Even with it, he kept up, he was in the back, but he was still quite fast. I stayed beside him. Thomas lead the way instructing everybody on which way to go.

"Keep it up guys. We are almost there." Thomas called back as we just reached the start of the blades.

We came to a stop beside the entrance to the chamber. Thomas looked in.

"Is there a Griever?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah." Thomas nodded.

"Shit." Chuck breathed.

"You take this, Chuck. Stay behind us!" Minho instructed handing Chuck the key.

"It's okay, just stick with me." Teresa told Chuck.

I turned to Newt.

"I love you." Newt gave me a kiss.

"I love you too." I smiled. "We're going to get out of this. Both of us."

"Once we're through, it'll activate, and the door will open. All the right, stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now, or we die trying. Ready. All right, let's go!"

We let out battle cries as we turned the corner charging at the one Griever.
When the Griever spotted us, it started running towards us.
We didn't slow down, and when it reached us, we stabbed or long spears into it. The Griever screeched and backed up a bit. It went back for an attack. We avoided it and stabbed.
It let out a loud roar.

    "Push it!" Thomas yelled.

     "Watch the tail!" Minho warned as it swept over us.
    "Look out, look out!" Thomas yelled.

     "NO!" A boy screamed as the tail grabbed him, and threw him over the edge into the darkness.
We kept avoiding the attack and stabbed or spears into the Griever.

"Push! Push!" Thomas yelled as we almost pushed the Griever over. We succeeded and watched the Griever fall into the darkness.

"Thomas! Thomas!" We hear Chuck scream.
We look behind to see Teresa and Chuck running for their lives as Grievers climb up behind them.

"Chuck?" Thomas questioned.

"Here they come!" Minho yelled. "Look out!"

"Keep it steady, guys!" Thomas yelled as we started stabbing the Grievers.
Grievers fight back and it got more difficult to keep them away.

"Don't back down. Keep pushing." Minho instructed.

"Stay together! Stay together!" Newt yelled.
We backed up, so we were just at the entrance to the little hall.
The Griever got more vicious, another boy was lost.

"Thomas! There's a code! Eight numbers!" We heard Teresa yell.
I held my spear tightly as I stabbed up into the Griever.

"Hey! Minho! What's the sequence?" Thomas shouted.

"What?" Minho question.

"The sections of the Maze, what's the sequence?" Thomas asked again.
I ducked as a Griever swung at me.

"Seven, one, five, two... six, four.

"Heads up!" Newt yelled.
I looked up to see agree were falling down, heading towards us. We moved back, but Minho wasn't able to. The Griever landed directly on top of Minho.

"Minho!" I screamed.

Minho held his spear pressing the side in the Grievers mouth, keeping it away from him.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Minho yelled.

Jeff and I both ran forward, stepped down into the Griever's head as I pulled Minho back.

"Jeff!" Winston called.

"Jeff!" I yell but it was too late for the boy. The Griever grabbed a hold of him, pulling him back.
The Griever approached us as we backed up.

"MINHO, WHAT'S THE SEQUENCE? COME ON!" Chuck yelled as we backed up into the circular tunnel.

"Uh, six, four, eight, three. You got it?" Minho yelled.

"Keep holding! Almost there come on!" Thomas yelled as Newt stumbled back as a Griever bit off the end of his spear.
I grabbed onto Newt and we watched the three walls fall down, trapping in squishing the Griever. The last fall when did directly on top of a Griever and the guts squished out.

We didn't have much time to react, a door shut, and we were left in complete darkness. We all screamed as we slid down some thing like a slide.
When I got out, I landed on top of Newt.

"Sorry." I apologize pushing myself off.

"It's all right, Love." I think he was smiling. It was too dark to tell.
When's everybody was down bright lights turned on revealing a hallway, like a hall that would be in a building. It was a long hall, the light was a pale cold blue. Pipes travel down the wall. We walk before coming across our first door.
It seems a little too easy, especially that on top of it there was a sign that said exit.

    "Seriously?" Frypan question.

Thomas cautiously walked up to the door, slowly, grabbing the handle. He push the door open and we heard a quiet alarm blaring inside.
Bodies, there were bodies laying on the ground, scientists. Something bad it happened. Newt and I walked close to each other as Thomas led the way inside.

    "What happened here?" Winston wondered.
We soon entered a lab. It was in the same state as the hall we just walked through.
Large computer screens made of glass were cracked, more scientists play motionless on the ground with a single bullet wound. Some light sparked.

I walked over with Newt to a desk with many computer screens. Everyone had footage of the Glade.

"So they were watching us." Newt said. "This whole time."

The largest screen in the room turned on.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Ava Paige." The woman had on a white lab coat. Her hair was up in a tight bun that seemed to pull her face back.
"I'm Director of operations of the World In Catastrophic Killzone Experiment Department. If you watching this, that means you've successfully completed the Maze Trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you... but circumstances seem to have prevented it." I looked in the background, and the woman was sitting in the lab only at the time of the scientists were still alive.

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