2 Sting

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Alby raised his arm punching George in the face over and over.
I grabbed Alby's arm stopping him and Newt pushed him back.
I let go and looked down at George, he squirmed on the ground, his muscles clenched. His lips were pressed together into a thin white line, the skin of his face looked as if it had been boiled. He then let out sharp moans through his closed mouth that sounded rabid.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with him?" Newt shouted.

"I told you guys. We were out exploring the Maze.
He was always ahead of me. I heard all these mechanical sounds, and then Georgie screamed. I could barely get him back here." Nick looked angry as he turned to Alby. "Why were you just hitting him in the face? He's my friend, you know. He needs medical help, not some hothead beating on him."

"He was trying to freaking bite me!" Alby yelled in Nick's face.

"Back off!" Nick pushed.

"Boys, slim it." Newt said, stepping in between them. "Let's figure this out. What do we do?"

We stood over George, who had gotten much worse. Veins bulged along his forehead.

"Did you see what attacked him?" I asked trying to keep everyone calm.

"Saw nothing." Nick shook his head.

"Did George say anything?" Newt wondered.

Nick nodded. "Well, yeah, I think so. Not sure, but ... I think he kept whispering, 'It stung me, it stung me...' It was weird, man. He sounded like he was possessed or something."

"What are we gonna do?" I ask the boys.

"Come on." Alby said, leaning down to grab George's legs. "No use trying to hide this anymore. Let's get him out to the middle of the Glade and gather everybody. See if anyone knows what to do."

Newt cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted. "Hey! Whoever sent us here! Send us some medicine. How 'bout a bloody doctor? Better yet, why don't you take us out of this hellhole!"

The boys picked George up, it took all three of them because George was thrashing so much. The sounds he was making were haunting.
I follow behind the boys as they brought George through the area we call the Homestead. When the other Gladers noticed the situation they dropped what they were doing and gathered around George, who was half placed, half dropped on the ground by his three very frustrated bearers.

"Listen up!" Nick yelled. "Georgie and I were out in the Maze, running the corridors, and he got up ahead of me. Something attacked him. He keeps saying he got stung. Anybody know anything about this?"

"Minho's seen some kind of creature out there?" Ally wondered.

"Where's Minho?" I call not spotting him in the crowd.

"Still running." Someone answered.

"It was one of those creatures he talked about, though." Alby said. "Had to be."

"It doesn't really matter what it was." Nick pointed down at
George, who was curled into a tight ball, rocking back and forth on his side.

"What are we going to do with him? All we have is a bunch of aspirin and bandages." I say.

   "There was nothing in the cooking supplies. Or any of the other boxes." A boy spoke, his name is Siggy but everyone including himself called him Frypan.

    "We can bring him over the the Med-hut when he calms down." Clint suggested. "I don't know what else to do. But I'm going go check if there's is anything I missed that could help."

    "Hurry." Alby told Clint as he ran.

I turned back to George and he had gotten far worse.
Suddenly he went completely still, except for his chest, which moved rapidly as he gaped for air. His eyes looked empty of life. I knelt down beside him seeing if I could do anything.

Everyone gave George some space but stayed close to watch what might happen.

"Come on, Georgie." Nick said, barely loud enough to hear. "Just hold on."

Then the boys parted, scrambling backward, as an inhuman roar filled the air. Newt pulled me up away from George quickly.
George was on his feet, his mouth open, his face stretched in a painful scowl. He shouted in a raspy voice.

Without warning he ran at the boy closest to him. He jumped on the kid and started beating him.
I watched frozen barely able to believe what I was seeing.
Alby and Nick tried to pull George off the boy, but he swatted them away, lunging at Nick with his teeth bared.

George clawed at the boy's face, drawing blood. He then went for the eyes, screaming the whole time. The kid under him fought back, screaming as he tried to get out from under his attacker. But George seemed to have the strength of ten men. He pressed his victim down with one hand and punched him in the face with the other. He then went for the boy's eyes again, howling like an animal.
It was insanity. Other boys stepped in, trying to pull him off, but no one was able to get a good hold of George's body.
Alby came running at full speed. In his hands, held up a long, thin shaft of wood. It appeared to be a broken broom or shovel handle, its end a splintery, sharp point.

"Get out of the way!" Alby yelled.

George had his hands digging into his victim's eye sockets, the kid screaming in pain as everyone jumped back.

Alby reached him, without hesitation he thrust the spear into the back of George's neck with so much force that it burst out the other side. George's cries turned into choking and gargles as his body fell to the side. The kid scrambled out, his hands covering his injured face as he ran off.
George twitched then went still.
Blood darkened the dirt and stone below him.

Most of the boys had left only leaving me, Newt, Alby and Nick. Alby was on his knees leaning against the wooden spears he had just used to kill George, staring at the ground. Newt was near him, sittings cross legged in the dirt, head in his hands, he looked as miserable as a person could.
Nick knelt next to his dead friend then he began looking over Georges body. He suddenly froze, his eyes focused on a spot in the middle of George's back.
The skin there was red and swollen, several thick black veins sprouted out of a wound, an almost perfect circle of darkness cut into George's flesh.

After that Gladers became scared and divided. Some boys ran into the the Maze. Any one that was in there over night died. We never found the bodies but we knew they died because their blood soaked clothes were always left behind.

After a few months of this chaos we made rules and anyone who disagrees with them can fend for themselves in the Maze. Most of the boys were for the rules, Alby took up more of a leader role.

It was difficult at first but eventually everything got so much better. Almost all the boys agreed with the new plan.
Everyone was assigned roles and created rules, I got my specific shower time where no one was allowed to use the shower from 7:30 am to 8:00 am in the morning and 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm at night. I also got my own house. One rule that mainly Newt made sure was crystal clear from the start, no one was allowed to touch me in any way with out my consent, and if they did they would be banished.

Alby, Minho and Newt became my best friends. Some people still died in the Maze. To stop that there were Runners to run the Maze and they were the only ones allowed in. Along with Minho, Newt and some other boys I became a Runner.
The boys were hesitant to allow me to be one but it was hard to find a good reason not to let me, I was far faster than any other boys, and one of the toughest there.

After George's death I noticed Newt was acting strange, I stupidly, thought nothing of it.

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