32 Serum

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"Vince, that's enough! Let him go." A woman called. I look to see a brown haired woman running over, maybe around the same age as Vince. "Let him go!"
Jorge was released.

"She's infected, Doc." Vince kept his gun pointed on Brenda. "There's nothing we can do for her."

"No, but they can." Her eyes landed on Thomas than travelled to me.
"Hello, Thomas, (Y/n)." Her voice was kind.

"What?" Vince asked.

"You know us?" Thomas wondered just as confused as I was.

"Interesting. It makes sense they'd put you in the Maze. Though I must admit..." She walked over to Brenda and knelt down beside her. "I was worried they'd kill you after what you did, same for you, (Y/n)."

"What I did?" Thomas stammered.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"The first time we spoke, Thomas. You said you couldn't take it anymore, watching your friends die, one by one. The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinates to every WICKED compound, trial and lab." She explained.

"He was our source." Vince said.

"(Y/n) the first time we spoke was three years ago. You told me you couldn't let them do this, you said you knew it was going to happen in the Maze trials, that WICKED didn't care who lived or died. You successfully got 15 kids out, the reason why you were still with WICKED is because your went back to get your friends. And by the looks of it, you got them here. You didn't have as much information as Thomas but you helped start this, we couldn't have pulled all this off without you both. Take her to the tent. Get these guys some warm clothes."

Jorge and another man lifted Brenda up. I felt into my pocket with my other hand , that wasn't holding Newt's, I felt the syringe from the Glade. I completely forgot about that, but it gave me an idea, if she had a way to save Brenda or at least help her, I had an idea what I wanted in the syringe.

    "Hey, it's the least we can do." The woman, Mary told us. "Thomas, come on. I need to get some blood from you."

"Newt, I'll be back." I tell him dropping his hand and running after Thomas and Mary before he could protest.

"Um.. I was just wondering if I could have a favour done?" I ask as I walk in the tent.
It was the medical tent. They were a couple cuts around, and tables with medicine and supplies.

"Of course, just let me finish with her." Mary smiled. "In the beginning we were lost. All we knew for sure was that the younger you were, the stronger your chances." Mary explained.

"You worked for WICKED?" Thomas asked sitting beside Brenda's bed Jorge on the other side. I stood in the corner, not wanting to get in the way.

"Long time ago." She nodded. "You know, at first, we had the best intentions. Find a cure, save the world. It was clear you kids were the key." She mixed some bottles and worked carefully. "Because you were Immune. But why? Eventually, we found an answer. An enzyme produced by the brains of the Immune. Once separated from the bloodstream, it can serve as a powerful agent to slow the spread of the virus."

"So you found a cure?" Thomas asked.

"Not exactly. The enzyme can't be manufactured, only harvested from the Immune. The young. Of course, that didn't stop WICKED. If they had their way, they'd sacrifice an entire generation. All for this." She turned around with a normal plastic syringe inside was very little blue liquid. "A gift of biology. Of evolution. But one not meant for all of us."

She walked over to where Brenda lay the moment she injected the serum into her, Brenda's breath slowed to normal.

    "How long will that give her?" Thomas asked.

    "It's different for everyone. A few months maybe. But that's the catch, isn't it? She'll always need more. Let's, um... Let's go outside. Let them rest." Mary said, then she stood up with Jorge.
   "(Y/n), what was it you wanted?" She asked.

I show her my arm.

    "Oh, my dear." Her face was sympathetic.

    "No, I got it many hours before Brenda maybe a day... it was dark. It's healing, that means I'm Immune, right?" I asked.

     "Yes." She nodded.

I pull out the syringe. "Okay, I just had a thought, I don't know if all of my friends are Immune, I heard what you told my brother, Thomas, that it will only give people a couple months. But I was thinking if you could use my blood and you could put some of the cure in this. I can wash out what's in it already. I know it won't save them, but it can give us more time if someone gets infected. You don't have to of course."

     "(Y/n), I would love to. I'll just need to take some blood then you can wash that out." She smiled.

She took some of my blood, making sure where she took it from was far away from where I was scratched, just in case my blood isn't fully clean yet. I emptied the syringe out and cleaned it, she filled it with the cure, and I thanked her placing it back in my jacket pocket and leaving to find Newt.


The was a cold breeze, I found Newt and the others sitting on a hill looking over the camp I climb up and sit beside Newt.

   "I got this for you." Newt put a warmer jacket over my shoulders. I remove the one I already had on and I slipped into the warmer one that Newt got me.

      "Thank you." I smile.

     "What did you need?" He wondered pulling me close.

     "I just wanted to check some things out." I smile at him. "I can't believe we are actually going to be free of WICKED, of everything they put us through."

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