9 Council

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Newt was holding my hand as Jeff pulled up my shirt revealing the wound.

    "You're lucky you weren't stung." Jeff told me.
I looked over and saw Alby's body lying on a table strapped down for when he wakes up.

Sat up straight sending a jolt of pain through my body.

    "(Y/n), it's all right," Newt told me gently lowering me down. "Just rest."


Jeff was gently cleaning my wound.

There was yelling outside the hut. I looked at Newt I knew how much he didn't want to leave me while I'm injured but he is the second in command.

"It's okay." I give Newt a smile.

"They can wait." Newt told me.

"Newt, go." I tell him.
He gave me a gentle kiss before walking out of the hut.

He came back a couple minutes later looking angry.

"What's wrong?" I ask as Newt comes back in.

"They want a gathering tomorrow." Newt sighed calming down as he walked back to my side.

"What else?" I push.

"The gathering is for you and Thomas."


"You don't have to go. You need your rest." Newt said.

"But I should."

"(Y/n), you just spent the bloody night in the Maze. You're injured and Gally is talking about banishing." Newt stressed.
I reach my hand up brushing some of his blonde hair away from his face.

"Gally doesn't scare me. I'll go to the meeting.
And don't worry Blondie, if they do banish me I'll just be back the next day." I say trying to make a joke.

"Jeff, will it do anything if she is up tomorrow?"

"(Y/n), should be good as long as she takes it easy and rests a lot. (Y/n), I'm serious you need your rest," Jeff said knowing that I am horrible at resting when there are things to do. "Tonight I think it's best if you stay, (Y/n)."

"See, I'll be all right." I tell Newt.


I wake up turning around to see Newt asleep still, in a chair beside me. I kiss his forehead then get up. There was a slight pain when I moved but it was manageable, I put on a fresh shirt and pants that Newt had left out.

"You're up already?" Newt questions stretching.

"I had to get ready for the meeting."

"Oh, right," He says standing up. "How are you feeling?"

     "Good, the pain is small," I give him a smile. "Come on, we better get it over with."
He grabs my hand as we walk out.
I break free from his gentle grip and start to run.

"I'll race you." I laugh.

"(Y/n) you really shouldn't." He says as he limps after me.
But my joy and carelessness seemed all but a dream as I sat in a chair worried and anxious facing eleven other boys sitting in a semicircle around me and Thomas. I don't understand why I am even nervous I know theses boys, I've seen every single one of them come out of the Box. Only one chair sat empty, it was Alby's but sitting rate beside his empty chair was Newt.

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