27 Favourite Song

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We heard the sound of a helicopter.

"Good evening!" A very familiar and unpleasant voice spoke on the speakers, Janson, or what I will always prefer, Rat Man. "This is the World In Catastrophic Killzone Experiment Department. We have your compound completely surrounded. You find yourselves, though no fault of your own, in possession of WICKED property. Return them to us unharmed and we'll consider this a simple misunderstanding."

    "Hang on guys." Thomas said as he untied himself.

    "Newt!" Teresa used a pole to help pull him up.

    "Or you can resist ...and every last one of you will die. It won't be long before the Flare wipes out the rest of us. The hope of a cure lies in your hands."

Newt got up and pulled me up. He helped me untie the rope around me feet.

    "The choice is yours."

When we were all untied, we made our way to the exit.

    "Okay. Let's go, let's go." Thomas said.
But before we could get to the door, the man that smiled, pointed a gun at us. We all came to a stop. "We're not trying to cause any trouble, okay? We just got to get out of here."

    "Is that so." The man put a walkie-talkie to his ear. "Janson, I got 'em for ya. I am bringing 'em down. Don't shoot us." The man put the walkie-talkie down. "Come on. Let's go. I said let's go."
Thomas grab the man's hand quickly, pushing it up as the man pulled the trigger.
The two wrestled for a while, but Thomas was able to push him back. We went forward, but the man aimed the gun at us again. Quickly we backed up.

    "You little bastard!" The man's spat.

There was a bang.
I looked at Thomas, but there wasn't any blood. The man fell forward, behind him was the girl holding a gun.

    "Okay. Come on." She told us, but we didn't move. "Come on! Let's go!" She hurried.
Thomas followed her and we followed him running after her.

Music began to play over the speakers.


    "Brenda, hurry! We don't have much time! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Jorge told us as the girl, Brenda ran up the stairs, leading us into the room, where we first met Jorge.
Jorge walked over to a window. "Right this way!" He pushed the window open, showing a cord going from this building to another building with quite a large distance between the ground.

    "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Frypan looked out.

   "Plan B, hermano. You kids want to get to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them. But you're gonna owe me." Jorge told us before grabbing the handles that he already set up. "Follow me!" He jumped out the window and zipped over to the other building.

    "All right! Let's go!" Brenda pulled more down, handing them over to us. "Come on!"

    "Go! Everyone, go!" Thomas push us forward. Minho grabbed one and jumped out. Next was, Frypan, Newt then Aris. "Teresa, you're next. Come on."

I turn to see Brenda running off looking for something.

    "Hey? Brenda! Where are you going?" I ask and run after her.

"(Y/n)! Brenda!" Thomas called. Brenda was digging through drawers. "(Y/n), Brenda, come on. What are you doing?"

"Brenda we gotta go." I tell her as she slammed the drawers. She found she was looking for and stopped into her pocket.

"I got it." She told us.

"Come on." Thomas pulled us over to the window.

Before we could make it, we saw WICKED guards enter the room.

"Shit." I muttered.

Brenda took out her gun shooting at them.

"GO! GO!" She screamed.
We ran as the WICKED guards shot at us missing as we ran round the corner. Brenda lead the way. "Come on, hurry! We're running out of time!"
She ran across a bridge and down some stairs the WICKED guards following us.

We were blocked off by the guards when they ran in front of us.

"Here follow me." Brenda climbed over the railing, stepping onto the metal supports. "Come on!"

"Thomas!" I yell following after Brenda.
He looked behind him before running on.
I took my steps with care, but also quickly I didn't want to fall over but I had to hurry.

"Kid! Don't move!" A WICKED guard yelled after us.

"Brenda, where are we going?" Thomas asked.

"Hurry! The song's almost over!" Brenda called back, climbing over the railing on to an actual floor, I followed her.

The moment the music stopped, playing loud bangs, followed, below us everything started to explode.

"Come on!" Brenda called as a support followed by the whole building, starting to collapse.

"Thomas! Come on!" I scream.

The ground begin to sway as the building fell. We ran forward a window at the end.

"JUMP!" Brenda yelled.

We listened and jumped down, grabbing onto cords of an elevator, sliding down quickly before landing on the top of the elevator.
We looked up wreckage with quickly falling towards us.
Not A second too soon with jumped out. There was a loud bang and I was thrown back.

Everything was dark. I got up coughing and could hear the other two.
Brenda clicked on a flashlight. We were sitting close together.

"Are you two okay?" Brenda asked.

"Oh, yeah, great." Thomas answered sarcastically.

"Just any other day, barely avoiding death." I smile coughing a bit my body sore.

Brenda move the light up a flashlight to the elevator where we came from. Wreckage was blocking our way completely, would've been crushed if we didn't move.

"No, no. How are we gonna get back to the others?" I look around.

"Relax. I'm gonna get us out of here." Brenda said pulling two flashlights out of her backpack, handing one to Thomas and the other to me.

I click it on coughing a bit more.

"Why are you helping us?" Thomas asked.

"Trust me, it's not my idea." Brenda answered. "Jorge seems to think you guys are our ticket to the safe haven."

"The what?" Thomas questioned.

"You know, paradise. Safe from the sun, free of infection. Supposedly, the Right Arm's been taking kids there for years. Immunes, anyway." Brenda pulled her backpack on and stood up.

"And you know where that is?" Thomas asked.

"No. But Jorge knows a guy. Marcus. He used to smuggle kids up into the mountains." Brenda pulled some wood away and cleared some rubble off of a manhole cover. "If Jorge made it out, that's where he'll be taking your friends."

"If he made it out?" I ask worried about Newt.

"You know what? You ask a lot of questions, him not you." Brenda pointed at Thomas. "Can you two, just come over here and help me with this? Please."

We walked over and pulled it up. Inside was pitch black and distant screaming.

"Well, that doesn't sound good." Thomas said.

"Yeah." Brenda agreed. "Down here they'll be full term."

"Let's go." I say, jumping down.

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