23 Run

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We come to a quick stop when one of the creatures crash through a window in front. It turns towards us and starts charging.

    "Aris, no!" Winston yelled as the boy ran forward.

    "No!" Minho shouted.

Aris swung a bat. It collided hard into the creatures shin tripping the creature. It slid forward hitting the ground.
We ran around it, but it trapped Teresa on a escalator.
Thomas told us to go around as he stayed to help Teresa. We didn't really have much of a choice as more creatures came.

I pull out a knife just in case clutching it tightly in my hand. We ran up another escalator the creatures not far behind.
One grabbed Jack, before we could do anything they both fell over the edge.

On the next level, we met up with Teresa and Thomas.

    "Where the hell are we going?" Winston asked.

    "We gotta find a way out of here!" Frypan yelled.

    "NEWT! NEWT!" I heard Minho yell.
I looked behind me to see Newt on the ground with one of those things on top of him.
I turned around quickly sprinting to help Newt. My heart rate speeding up.

    "Help me!" Newt yelled.

Thomas and I reach him, we both kick the thing off of Newt. The creature crashed into the glass and fell over.

    "Newt, you good?" Thomas asked. Minho right behind us as I pulled Newt up.

      "Yeah, thanks love." Newt said as we see the creatures running towards us.

    "Tommy run!" Newt yelled as Thomas was still looking at the creatures.

    "Come on, Newt!" I yell.

    "Keep going!" Newt shouted as we turn and run.

    "Through here! Through here!" Minho yelled, pushing us down a hallway.
It was narrow, one person across.

     "Guys where are we going?" Newt asked as we down the hall.

    "Okay, run! Go! Go!" Teresa shouted.

Thomas stopped at a door desperately trying to open it. He pounded but it was locked.

    "Just run!" I scream as the creatures run into the hall behind us.

    "Come on, they're coming!" Newt yelled as we ran to the end of the hall entering a small room.
The room had two doors that were chained up.

    "It's a dead end!" Minho yelled.

     "Get us out of here, Thomas!" Teresa cried, as the yelling grew louder, and the creatures got closer.

    "This one!" Thomas yelled as he started kicking at one of them.

    "I'll hold them back!" Winston said turning around holding a gun shooting at the creatures.

      "Harder!" I yell as they kick the door.

     "GET THAT DOOR OPEN!" Winston shouted.

     "Move!" Frypan yelled, the boys backed up as Frypan charged into the door, breaking the lock.

    "Come on! It's open!" Minho yelled.

Not wasting a second we all ran out.

    "Everyone through! Come on! Come on!" Thomas yelled.

We heard Winston scream and turn to see him being dragged back through the door. "HELP ME!"

We all ran down to help him pulling him. These creatures were strong.
There was one that had a strong grip on him, digging its claws into his stomach.
We almost got him out but they kept reaching,
His stomach was covered in blood as the creatures kept clawing him. The skin of the creatures were pale black veins travelled underneath the skin. The one in the front its face was terrifying. Most teeth were missing, the lips black with blood dripping down the chin, large chunks of hair we ripped out and you could see raw sink. The eyes were completely black and cold.
I jab my knife deep into the one of the arms, it didn't react. Thick black blood spilled out.

    "Keep pulling!" Minho yelled.
Finally, we got Winston free and Thomas were trying to keep the door.

    "Go, go go!" Thomas yelled.

    "Hurry!" Teresa shouted.

Newt and Frypan pull Winston up. We ran quickly, hearing the cries and screams of the creatures behind us.


We could hear them in the distance, looking for us as we hid underneath some wreckage, huddled together in the dark.
I lay on Newt's chest praying that these creatures would not find us.
Those terrifying creatures I'm guessing were the Cranks.


Some how I must've fallen asleep. The sun was hot and bright a crow was picking at one of our packs looking for food.
The crow woke me up.

    "Hey, hey hey. Get out of here." Thomas shooed it away.
Thomas stood up, looking around, everything was silent. There was no sounds from the creatures anymore.

    "Are they gone?" Newt asked.

     "Yeah, I think we're safe for now. Okay, we should get moving. Let's pack it up." Thomas said grabbing his bag. "Aris come on. Fry, Winston. Let's go."

Winston let out a pained groan. I turned to see him, still laying on the ground, attempting to get up. I bandaged up his wounds last night when the noises first stopped. But it was dark, we didn't want to risk the Cranks finding us so I didn't see how bad it was.

    "Hey, man. You okay?" Frypan offered Winston his hand.
Winston took it and Frypan pulled him up.

We climbed up from where we were. In the night everything was dark so we didn't see it in the day everything was lit up.
We were in a city, well, what used to be a city. Like everywhere else sand covered what are used to be the roads and sidewalks probably buy a couple feet. There were many tall buildings, but all of them, were wrecked. Lots of them still standing but time had not been kind. Glass windows were broken like sharp teeth. Some buildings had evidence that they were burned. None of them would be stable or safe to enter.
We walked on what used to be a roan and used it as a path. Ruin and wreckage from the buildings were on either side of us. The sun beat down feeling like it was actively burning our skin, and just seconds.

    "What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan wondered.

    "I don't know. It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time." Newt said.

    "I hope the whole world's not like this." Aris said.

     "I hope we don't meat any of those creatures again." I look around.

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