29 Chase

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A bloody hand reached in and grabbed Thomas by the shirt.
Thomas yelled and stared swatting at the boney hand.
The Crank slammed Thomas face against the wall then pulled him out inch by inch, each time slamming him into the wall.
I choked back my screams and cry's not wanting to alert all the Cranks.

Brenda let out a scream and drove a knife into the Cranks forearm. It let out a demonic wail finally letting Thomas go. It's hand disappeared leaving a trail of its own thick black blood.

We knew we couldn't stay in there. Thomas crawled out first Brenda was right behind him then me. I pulled out my own knife holding it tightly. Brenda was shining her flashlight at the Crank and holding her knife. The Crank was whimpering on the ground.

We didn't have much time to react when the Crank kicked his legs forward with shocking speed and strength. He hit Brenda and set her crashing into Thomas. I watched as they both crumpled to the ground. I heard the knife and saw the flash hit the ground.
The Crank then jumped up and pounced onto me. I slammed into the ground. I tried my best to push him off. I stabbed my knife into his arm. He let out a scream falling off. I pushed myself up to get away but he grabbed onto my leg and I hit the ground letting out a scream. I felt his nails dig into the skin of my arm as he pulled me back.

"Thomas!" I scream.

The Crank was pulled off of me. Brenda jumped onto him. The Crank kept screaming.

"We have to kill him!" Brenda yelled as I gasped for breath. "Get the knife! Thomas!"

I watched Thomas crawl over to Brenda's knife. I could tell Thomas was hesitant to kill this creature.

"Now! Now!" Brenda yelled.
I watched the knife plunge deep into the Crank but screaming didn't stop Thomas had to twist the knife. I listen to the choking and the cry's before finally everything stopped.

"We need to go." Brenda said standing up. "The others will come back."

We had only gone a couple steps before we heard the scream's and wails from the Cranks quickly running viciously through the tunnel back to us.

"Run!" I yell.

We run quickly, the voices of the Cranks chasing after us.

    "Go! Go, go!" Thomas yelled.

    "Oh, my God!" Brenda screamed as we ran.

    "Come on!" I yell as we turn around the corner into the passage that I saw the light down.

    "Keep going!" Thomas shouted. "We're almost there. Come on!"
We reach the end of the tunnel. The light hit us a little too fast.
The tunnel came to a abrupt stop dropping into the wreckage below. We got out, it was day, but we weren't safe.
I look up to see sky scraper that was leaning against another.
The screeches echoed behind us, growing louder as we could see the Cranks now.

    "Come on! This way!" Brenda yelled.

We climbed up the wreckage as quickly as we could. I didn't dare look back.

    "Thomas come on!" Brenda called. We crawled into the skyscraper. "Okay."

Quickly we started climbing, jumping over the rocks and metal.

    "Go, go!" Thomas yelled.

I looked to see one of the Cranks behind us.

   "Keep going!" Thomas shouted.

    "Watch out!" Brenda screamed as an old cabinet fell down. I just barely dodged it.
It hit one of the Cranks smashing the window below it. But there were still two more after us.

    "Don't look back!" I yell to Thomas as I continue to climb.

I crawl after Brenda to a small for entering used to be a stairwell.

    "Are you okay?" Brenda asked Thomas as a piece almost fell on him. "Come on."

We started, running up the broken stairs, mainly included, jumping and climbing.

I glanced down to see the Cranks squeezing through continuing their pursuit.

    "Go go go!" Thomas yelled.
A Crank reached and longed for Thomas. Brenda kicked forward, knocking the Crank back down the stairwell.

    "Good kick." I tell her.

    "Thanks. Come on!" She continued, climbing.

We were so close to the top when Brenda grabbed onto a piece of metal to pull her up but it broke. She fell back, sliding through a door and across the floor another room.

    "Brenda!" Thomas called after her.

She hit the glass, thankfully, it didn't break.

    "Brenda!" Thomas yelled. "You okay?"

    "Yeah." She answered.

    "Hang on, we're gonna find a way down." Thomas told her. "No, Brenda, don't move. Don't move!"
Thomas yelled as she realized her life was in the hands of this glass, not breaking.
Just buy her slightest movement the glass cracked slightly.
Thomas grabbed onto the door sliding down but grabbing onto a piece of metal to stop him from hitting the glass.
I look down, there was no way I could also get down there, it was risky enough that Thomas was going down to get her. I'm not saying that I couldn't, but there was not much to grab onto and if I missed something or I slip would hit the glass. The window wouldn't be able to hold me and Brenda if I hit it. It wouldn't take much more than that for the glass break.

    "Thomas! I'm gonna stay here." I call down.

    "Okay." He nodded.

I watched as Brenda carefully stood up. Thomas stretched his hand out to her.

    "Come on. Brenda, grab my hand."

Brenda reached up to Thomas.

     "THOMAS!" I scream as a Crank climbed up. It longed for me, but I kicked it away, and the Crank fell down towards Thomas and Brenda.

   The Crank slid down the floor grabbing Brenda and slamming into the glass.

    "Thomas!" Brenda screamed as she kicked the crack off of her.

She quickly crawled towards Thomas, but the Crank grabbed her leg, pulling her back before jumping on her. She kicked it off of her again and crawled over to Thomas.

Thomas slid down to her, grabbing her hand just as the Crank grabbed onto her.
Thomas smashed a metal rod into the glass hard and it shattered. The Crank fell down into the city below as Thomas held onto Brenda, dangling over.

Thomas was able to pull her up and we successfully got out of both buildings.

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