35 Six Months

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"You need to be more careful." Sonya told me as I was shoved in the room, the door locked behind.

"And give them the satisfaction, never." I give her a smile rubbing my jaw.

"You're lucky they haven't killed you." Sonya said coming over to check my cheek.

"If they could kill me they would've, but they haven't so they won't." I tell her.

"What did you do this time?" Aris asked.

"I shot one of them." I say.

"You what?" Sonya questioned.

"In the leg, so he should live. I saw an opportunity and I took it." I explained. "...Aris did you hear anything about Minho?"

"Sorry, nothing." He shook his head.
I hated how they kept Minho and I apart I'd see him occasionally but WICKED kept us separate.

For the first couple months I was separate from everyone.


I was in a white room, everything was completely pure, blinding, white. Nothing else, no shadows no shapes, only white.
Internally, I was screaming and crying, externally I was calm and emotionless.
I looked down seeing my clothes, same shade of white as the room. I saw one thing of colour though, a simple brown desk and a bare wooden chair.
I slowly stood up placing my hand on the wall closest to me. I walked dragging my hand across the wall, it was smooth, no creases, no dents, no evidence of a door or any way out. After I walk around the room twice I sink to the ground. The floor was hard but it was also soft and spongy enough to be comfortable.
There was a small toilet in the corner.

I lost track of the days long ago and mainly focused on not going completely insane. The lights were never turned off, food was given twice a day same time same tasteless meal.
I knew my every move was being watched, studied, analyzed by WICKED.

I had guessed it had been about a month when a door finally opened and two WICKED soldiers stepped in.

"Come with us." One of them ordered.
I didn't want to listen but I didn't want to risk spending any more time in here and losing my sanity.

I followed them out of my white prison and into a hall. The soldiers came to a stop in front of a door.

"You have 30 minutes." The other WICKED soldier told me kicking the door open with his foot.
I stepped inside, it was a shower room.
I had a quick shower enjoying the water and being clean. I pulled on some clothes they had left out.

I was then lead into another room this room had beds.

"(Y/n)?" A familiar but shocked voice asked.

"Aris?" I look at the boy. I felt relieved to see him and Sonya who stood beside. I didn't know her well but she ran up and gave me a hug regardless.

"Where have they been keeping you?" Aris asked.

"Umm... a plan white room. How long have you guys been here?" I asked.

"Two months." Sonya answered. They both noticed the look on my face.

"Two months." I mumble.


After that WICKED continued to do tests mainly taking out blood and stuff. Aris tried to fight back once and got a pretty bad beating for it, I fought back whenever I could.


Stones dig into my knees. I was forced in front of a train all the other kids that WICKED had taken were lined up as well.

I look down the line as WICKED soldiers pulled down the kid's heads to look at their neck's. WICKED would constantly scan and count us the didn't want anyone to escape and that meant the kept a particularly close eye on me.

Rat Man stopped in front of me his lips twisted up into a smile.
I look him directly in the eye he hated that there was no fear in them.

    "Do you finally understand how much control WICKED has over you?"

     "When will you understand... you can beat us, but you can't break me." I give him a smile.
I swing my arms around punching Rat Man hard. He stumbled back holding his face. In less than a second two WICKED soldiers were on me slamming to the dirt.

    "Let her go." Rat Man ordered.

My body was pulled up to my feet, the WICKED soldiers then stepped back.
Pain erupted from my stomach, I sharply exhaled hunching over from Rat Man's blow. His fist than slammed into my cheek.

     "No!" Minho shouted but was pulled down before he could make a move towards me.

     "Get her back in line." Rat Man called once he was finished. "Load them onto the cars, make sure those two are on different one's."
I listen to Rat Man's footsteps as he walks away.


The compartment was dark only a couple vents on the ceiling that I could see the sky through. I was shoved down onto a hard metal chair against one of the walls. Six seats in a row lining the walls with an aisle in the centre. Like all the other kids my hands were bound by a chain that hung in front of me going from the ceiling to the floor.

My body hurt, old injuries and new both stung.
I heard someone running on top of the train. I look up to see two people quickly running past. I smiled knowing what was happening, we were gonna be rescued.

The train came to a sudden stop I placed my hands on the seat in front of me so I didn't bang my head.

   "Minho!" I heard the muffled call of Thomas as he banged on the wall. "(Y/n)! Can you hear me?"
I yell loudly violently shaking my chain.

All the kisses started shouting, rattling the chains making as much noise as possible.

     "Newt, how you doing?" I heard Thomas call from the top of the compartment.

    "Don't rush me." A voice with a British accent spoke.
It was his voice, it was quite, but it was his. I press my ear to the thin metal wall. He was on the other side, Newt was on the other side, I was going to see Newt again.

I heard gunshots and the sound of bullets hitting the car.

    "Newt, get up here!" My brother yelled.

     "Almost there." Newt answered.

     "Newt, go!" A voice that I didn't recognize to well shouted but I think it might be Vince.

The sound of bullets continued.
I heard the sound a berg flying overhead and my heart sank.

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