8 The Maze

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I go over to Alby.

"What happened to him?" Thomas asked stumbling to the ground beside Alby.

"What does it look like? He got stung. A shucking Griever was faking its death. When Alby approached, it went crazy and he was stung." Minho explained.
I pull up his shirt seeing a Griever sting.

"What happened to his head?" Thomas asked.

"I did what I had to do." Minho kept his head down, looking at the ground.
We heard a Griever screeching in the distance

"Uh, okay, all right, help me get him up." Thomas said.
"We gotta go." Minho pushed himself up. "The Maze is already changing.

"Hey, Minho." Thomas called.

"We can't just leave him here." I look up at my friend.

"We're already dead. No one survives a night in the Maze no one. We're better if we split up. Y/n, come on." I shake my head and was about to say something to him but before I could Minho ran off.

"MINHO! Get back here you shank!" I yell in anger by Minho just running off, but I know he's scared.

"We have to help Alby." Thomas says kneeling beside him.

I think for a bit looking around us, till we both say.


It took us a while but we were both able to tie Alby and haul him up the wall as we both climb beside his body. The Maze grew darker. Just as we finish I hear the loud scraping sound from the Grievers.
Fear fills my body as I have a strong urge to scream but Thomas and I stay completely still hoping the Griever won't notice. It stops rate below us and we seem to be there in silence for every until it starts climbing towards us. Quickly I slid down passing underneath the Griever as Thomas swung down quickly we start to run.

We don't, we don't slow hopping that Alby is safe and Minho is still alive. We come to a stop beside a wall with fines, reaching all the way to the top. Stand in silence, but hear nothing. We don't dare mutter a word to each other as we cautiously walk forward. Thomas stopped when he stepped on something something wet. It slashed as he stepped on it. He lifted his shoe off the ground slightly and I could see what looked like saliva sticking to it. He shook foot to get it off.
But that we both thought, where did it come from. We both start moving fear crept in.
I look at Thomas the same kind of stuff drips on his shoulder. We turn around and look above us.
A Griever jumps down, landing right behind us. We both scream and tumble back.
It roars, quickly I get to feet, pulling Thomas up before running.
It seems every corner we ran down the Griever, was one step ahead of us, and always appeared in front. We could hear the screeching in the scraping echoing around us as we ran.

    "Shit." Thomas mattered as we reached a dead end.
I went to my brain trying to remember everything I knew about the Maze and I suddenly remember this spot.
I look to my right.

    "Thomas!" I yell, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him down the corner.

We run, jumping up onto the wall, grabbing onto the vines.
I scream as the Griever scraped my leg. It wasn't the stinger, but it still hurt. I didn't stop nor did Thomas. We quickly climbed up and ran jumping across a gap. Landing on the other side.
But when we looked behind us, we saw the Greever was not far. Thomas pulled me up and we ran but the wall came to an end. We went to turn around with the Grievers right there. Your face with no other choice. Thomas and I ran forward jumping through the air trying to grab onto the vines that were on the other wall. We crash into it and we were both able to grab hold.
The Griever was close behind. We both turn to see jumping. It lands on top of Thomas. He let go of the vines we dropped, I did the same.
We grabbed on a little bit lower, but the Griever came down. It grabbed onto Thomas and they both fell.
I quickly slid down meeting Thomas as he just pushed himself up.

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