Lynx - Part 12

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Bohdan made a move as if to approach the side of the arena where Scott was leaning against the pillar. Instead of making a move that direction myself, I merely said derisively "Can't deal with someone who's functioning above 50%, Huh?" His head immediately snapped around to read the scorn in my face. His step faltered and then he changed direction and his hulking frame headed towards me. I drew my sword from the sheath at my back and stepped into ready position. He had a good eight foot reach and I knew how wickedly sharp Were claws were. When he quickly stepped forward, slashed at my face and tried to get past the sword, I gave him a taste of the edge against his ribs and he hissed before retreating. After a quick glance at his chest wound, Bohdan roared and went full Were. Instead of the human-like visage I had been facing, I was now faced with total Werewolf. Saliva dripped from dagger-like teeth and the howl he gave raised the hackles on the back of my neck. His massive fists turned into deadly claws and they were easily twice the length they had been a moment ago. My sword felt suddenly inadequate.

But I gestured 'come hither' at him with the tips of my right hand and stood ready and waiting for his attack.

He moved as if to run towards me and then abruptly changed direction and headed for Scott.

"Scott!" I yelled, but I was already too late, Bohdan was almost upon him.

Quickly he looked up and pulled out the gun he knew had a full clip and fired it at Bohdan. His dominant arm was the uninjured one, but having a shoulder injury didn't do much for accuracy and only one shot struck home. He dropped the gun and pulled out the switchblade from his belt and stood waiting next to the pillar, using it as a shield. Bohdan's massive arm slashed the air on either side of the pillar, as he tried to get Scott to come out from behind it. I flew towards them, sheathing my sword and pulling out my daggers. Before he could damage my man, I leaped high into the air and landed on his massive shoulders and used my daggers to stab the beast in the chest, and then slash him again in the neck before he howled in pain and brushed me from his back with those massive claws. I felt his claws tear through my leather vest to the flesh underneath and it was my turn to drop to the ground screaming in pain.

Bohdan turned to face me and roared his anger at the injuries I'd caused him. I saw them slowly start to heal and I knew it would take a substantial blow for it to be fatal against the Alpha. I saw Scott's bullet pop out of the flesh it had burrowed into when it had struck him and that wound began to close as well. Scott was behind the massive Were and I was in front of him, I needed a distraction if I was to get a big enough backswing to take off his head. My daggers wouldn't be able to get the job done, I'd have to use my sword. I knew it was sharp enough to separate his head from his body, it was just a matter of the right timing and keeping the huge beast away from Scott. I backpedalled quickly as Bohdan came for me again, slashing with those enormous claws. His speed surprised me momentarily and I had to jump up and over his massive frame, flipping over mid-air and landing next to Scott. He quickly said "I'm fine, take him out Zass."

Reassured I turned to face Bohdan again and instead of using the same trick of speed, this time I came straight for him, crossing my arms in front of me so that when I spread my arms out wide, clearing his huge paws with my outswing, my sword slashed deeply into his chest before I reversed my right arm as I jumped up and managed to stab him in the eye with the dagger I was holding in my right hand. I grinned nastily as he shrieked and his pack roared in anger. Lynx stood and shouted for him to remove the slim blade I'd left in his face. I wasn't able to dig it deep enough to pierce his brain stem, fortunately for him, but more fortunately for me I'd coated it in Silver Nitrate and I could see the wound smoking as he wrestled to pull it out. I was tiring quickly and could really do with ending the match right then and there, but fair play made me wait until he'd removed the offending object and turned to look at me again. I should have taken his head while he was distracted, because his revenge maddened remaining eye had my death in it when he rushed at me again.

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