Chapter 85: Free

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There's something so perfect about air. It's invisible, yet it's everywhere. A great gust of wind in your face can blow away cobwebs from even the darkest of days, while a gentle breeze reminds you of beach holidays, placid lakes, or summer evenings spent reading in dimly lit parks with tufts of grass rippling softly all around.

I think it's the feeling of freedom that makes this so exhilarating. The silence and calmness of being high up in the white clouds, drifting slowly... soaking up the peaceful atmosphere. I feel weightless and float as if by magic, drifting under the influence of the wind.

The world looks so different from the perspective of a bird. It's beyond gorgeous. The views are spectacular, and mother nature is giving me so much creative inspiration.

I feel like I'm in some kind of a dream, and I'm pleasantly surprised with how gentle the floating sensation is. There isn't much control on where we can go, other than going up and down, so you really have to let the winds take you. You don't know where you're going to land and can't control the direction you go in. That's the exciting part, for me at least. It's an adventure. There's something terrifying but ultimately relaxing about this lack of control. In a world where we try to control everything, it's scary floating up into the sky and letting nature take you in whichever direction she chooses. You just have to relax and trust that it will be ok. Once you've accepted this, it's the most majestic and magical experience ever - a unique experience of being floated into the heavens by a brightly coloured balloon. It's insane.

At various points in the flight, the pilot would let the balloon dip down. And, at one point, we even grazed a few of the treetops, which was kind of thrilling - you could even reach out and touch them. And then, we got really close to the river. He got us close enough that I could see the pebbles in the stream.

Being up this high makes me wonder if this is what Heaven is like, because if it is anything like this, it's beautiful and extremely peaceful.

I love it up here. I hope it's like this...

I could stay up here all day, but our hour in the sky was coming to an end, and our pilot began scouring the fields below for a suitable place to land. While he doesn't have that much control over which field he lands in, he will do his best to find a good spot.

And just like that, I'd ticked off a major experience from my bucket list with my husband by my side, experiencing all of it with me.

The radio plays quietly, and Michael holds my hand while he drives. I stare out the window and gaze up at the blue sky, thinking about how we were just up there. One minute, we were floating, and the next, we were on solid ground.

"I can't believe we were just up there."

"I know." He smiles. "Weird, isn't it?"

"Mmm." I hum.

I stay silent with my thoughts for a little while and continue to stare out the window.

"Do you think that's what Heaven looks like?" I ask.

Michael keeps quiet, so I turn to look at him.

"The white clouds, the calm atmosphere... feeling as if you're floating... it's beautiful. I would imagine that's what Heaven feels and looks like, well, I hope so..."

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