Chapter 48: Just Like Old Times

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"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" I ask Dave as I lead him out of my office and over to the front door.

"Oh, nothing exciting. I'm going to go home and take madam for a nice long walk."

"That's nice." I smile and open the front door.

Dave is another patient who suffers from depression. He was involved in a car accident with his wife and son, but only he survived. He's completely on his own and he doesn't have any close family to rely on or confide in, so he's rescued a dog for some companionship. Pets are proven to help reduce stress and anxiety, and they really help in easing loneliness.

"I'll see you next week. Take it easy."

"Thank you, Michael, I'll see you then."

I close the door and as I'm heading back to my office I see Maya making her way downstairs.


"Hi." She smiles as she reaches the last step.

"I tried knocking on the bedroom door this morning to ask if you wanted breakfast, but you must've been fast asleep."

"Oh." She raises her eyebrows as she begins to fluff up her curls anxiously. "Yeah, I actually slept pretty well for a change."

"You needed a good sleep after everything you've been through. How are you feeling?"

"Ok." She nods, but her little smile isn't very convincing. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, I'm just worried about you."

"Don't be. I said I'm ok."

"I know... I'm still going to worry, though."

She shows a soft smile and looks down.

"Let me make you something to eat."

"Aren't you working?"

"My next patient will be here in the next half hour, so I've got some time."

"Oh, ok, well... I kind of have to go."

"Oh." I lower my eyebrows. "Do you have work?"

"No, I just need to get some stuff..."

"You don't have your car. Why don't you wait until I've finished with my next patient and I'll take you-"

"It's fine, I can walk or something. I just need to go to a store."

"Oh..." I nod. "What for? I might have what you want here."

She rolls her eyes and starts to laugh.

"What? Sorry... I'm being too much, aren't I?" I frown.

"A little bit, but it's not that. I know you're being overprotective because you care." She smiles. "But, you definitely don't have what I need here."

I lower my eyebrows, not understanding what she means.

"I need some...women stuff..."

"Ooooh." I raise my eyebrows.

Now I understand. It's her time of the month.

"Yeeeah..." She makes a face and laughs awkwardly. "I was an idiot and didn't pack any tampons."

"The nearest store is 15 minutes away. Won't it be really uncomfortable for you to walk all that way when you're... you know..." I need to stop unintentionally glancing down at her private area because I'm making this awkward. I'm flustering now... come on, get it together, Michael!

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