Chapter 10: Breaking Point

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I pace back and forth with my hands held to my face. I'm full of so much anger right now. Who the hell is Jake? And he was the one who bought her those shoes? Why would she do this to me?

I need to calm down before Katie gets home because I don't know how to play this. The email said see you later, so is she seeing him tonight? I know I've seen that one email, but I need more proof because what if I've got this wrong? No. I won't be taken for a fool anymore. I need to see it for my own eyes.

I take a couple of deep breaths as tears begin to build up. I hear the front door open and I quickly wipe my face, trying to compose myself.


I turn around and look at Katie. I'm trying so hard to hold everything back. I swallow and clear my throat.


"You ok?" She lowers her eyebrows.

"I'm just tired." I rub the back of my neck, trying not to let my anger slip out.

"Aw." She frowns. "I'm tired too. I really just wanted to relax tonight, but Amanda has invited me as her plus one to her work thing."

I bite my lip and run my hand through my hair in frustration.

"Work thing?"

"Yeah. Some kind of work party. She's really upset that her and Jonathan have split up and she doesn't want to go alone. You don't mind if I go tonight, do you? I said I'd go to support her."

I take a deep breath and look away from her.

"I promise I'll come home this time." She laughs softly. "I won't get drunk like I did the other night."

"Why don't I come with you?"

She looks at me, lowering her eyebrows.


"Yeah." I nod.

"It's not really your thing though, babe." She chuckles. "And I thought you were tired?"

"I am, but I don't mind coming too."

"I'm not sure I'll be able to invite my own plus one. It's her thing, not mine. Honestly, it'll be pretty boring. You're better off relaxing here with a book. And when I'm back we can watch something together." She smiles.

I fake a little smile. She checks the time before turning to leave the kitchen.

"I need to get ready."

Once she's gone I place my hands on the table and close my eyes tightly. I can't believe this is happening right now. She keeps lying to me. How long has this been going on? I feel so stupid. I have no idea how I haven't flipped yet, but I can feel my emotions building and building, and soon I'm going to explode.

A little while later she comes into the kitchen wearing a black dress and those pink Valentino heels. She's wearing what he wanted... my heart aches right now. She's getting all dressed up for him.

"You not making dinner for yourself?" She asks.

"I'm not hungry."

She fixes her hair and walks over to me.

"I'll see you later." She smiles.

She goes to kiss me, but I move my face slightly so she kisses my cheek instead of my lips. I don't want her any where near me right now.

As soon as she leaves I grab my car keys and wait until I hear her begin to drive off. I leave the house and get in my car to follow her. I feel like a mad man right now, but I've seriously had enough. I'm at breaking point right now and I need to do something about this.

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