Chapter 41: Caught In The Rain

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It's a hot and humid day today. Every now and then the sun pokes out from behind the clouds, but as time goes on it's becoming more overcast, almost like a storm is about to erupt at any minute.

The lake is peaceful and statue still, and the only sounds are the bumbling of bees and the chirps from crickets. Trees rustle in the cool breeze every now and then, and birds tweet as they fly above me.

I'm alone with my thoughts while I sit on the dock and wait for Michael. I'm so nervous. I want to find the right words to explain my side of things and tell him how I feel about the whole situation, but I don't know where to start. I know he's pissed off with me, and he has a right to be. I want him to be pissed off because it's what I deserve, but knowing he's angry and knowing I'm probably not his favourite person right now makes me nervous. I don't want to argue with him... I just want us to talk properly. I think we have some things that have been left unsaid and we need to talk it out, especially after seeing each other again in the way that we did... and to be honest, I've really missed him. I had to see him again.

I already feel emotional. I feel like I'm about to cry and he isn't even here yet. I need to keep it together. I take a deep breath and hold my necklace, staring down at the pendant in my hand. Memories come flooding back of the day Michael gave me this - Christmas day. That was a good day... and I've worn it ever since.

The sound of footsteps against the wooden dock snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn my head and see Michael walking towards me. My heart instantly starts to race and I can't help the smile that's started to spread across my face. Some of his curls are tied back, and he's wearing the leather jacket that I love so much over a blue shirt. He looks so handsome, but I hate that I can see his sadness through his little smile.

I stand up and run my hand through my hair nervously. He's reached me now and is standing in front of me.

"Hi." I say, feeling a little bit awkward.

"Hi." He replies softly.

"Thanks for coming."

He nods and looks out at the lake before replying.

"That's ok."

There's an awkward pause of silence as we look around our surroundings. I don't know what to say...

"Looks like it might rain."

That's a great start, Maya, talk about the weather. I groan inwardly at myself.

"Yeah..." Michael nods and looks up at the grey clouds as he slides his hands in his jean pockets.

I look down at my hands and play with my fingers.

"Did you have work today?"

"I had a few patients."

"Oh." I nod.

"Did you have work today?"

"No, it's my day off."

He nods and shows half a smile.

"I think it's great that you have your own business now." I smile.

"I'm still working on it. A business takes time to build up, but it's going ok at the moment. I had to take a load of courses, but I got there in the end."

"That's good. What made you want to leave the hospital? I know you loved your job."

"I just wanted a change... I was there for almost 5 years."

"Yeah, that's a long time..."

"Mmm..." He nods and looks down. "I suppose I needed something to focus on too, after everything that happened. I needed a change, so I decided to start my own business and I moved to a bigger house so I could have my own office."

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