Chapter 34: State Of Shock

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I can't believe what I've just heard. I'm even questioning if I heard Maya correctly...

George is her father, and I had no idea.

I'm in absolute shock, and I can't begin to imagine how Maya feels right now. So many emotions are written over her face... shock, anger, frustration, sadness, pain... seeing him has only brought bad memories, thoughts and feelings back to her. The man who failed at being her father is standing right in front of her, after all this time...

Neither George or Maya say a word at first, they don't have to, the answers are written all over their face. They clearly didn't want to run into each other, and this is far from a happy reunion.

My mother stands there confused, and looks at George for answers.

"George?" She frowns.

I see Maya tensing up, and her breathing is becoming more and more heavy... I'm afraid she might have a panic attack. I don't know how she's still standing there... she must be in such a state of shock. I need to compose myself and make sure she's ok. I need to be there for her and protect her right now because this has to be incredibly difficult for her.

"George!" My mother raises her voice this time which makes him snap his eyes away from Maya. "Is that true? Are you Maya's fath-"

"Yeah!" Maya scoffs. "Are you my father?!"

She's incredibly angry, so angry that she looks like she's about to cry. Her emotions are building up so much, she's about to burst and she's shaking like a leaf...

George avoids looking at Maya and keeps his focus on my mother. I can't believe what I'm witnessing right now. He's ignoring her... after all these years, he's still trying to ignore his own daughter. She's right in front of him, and he hasn't said a word or barely looked at her.

"Katherine, I can explain-"

"No." I snap and shake my head, stepping in front of Maya, and between him and my mother. "You won't."

"Explain?!" Maya chuckles through her frustration. "You mean, feed her more of your bullshit!"

George takes a deep breath and clenches his jaw. My mother frowns, and shakes her head in confusion and disbelief.

"What's going on?"

George stays silent, with no emptahy or remorse on his face what so ever. He has no words to answer that question.

"I haven't seen this man in years, 8 years to be exact." Maya's no longer able to hold back her tears, and they begin to stream down her face. She tries to continue to talk, but she's so choked up, it's hard for her to get her words out.

"This man... w-who's supposed to be... my father." She pauses, trying to catch her breath. "Washed his hands with me... w-when I was 14 years old!"

"And why was that, Maya?!" He shouts as his anger boils over.

"That's enough!" I glare at him and shake my head.

I turn to face Maya, trying to put her attention on me. She's holding back her tears and breathing so hard. I need to try to calm her down.

"Hey, Maya, look at me." I place my hand on her shoulder and try to walk us away from the situation. "Come on, you don't-" She shakes me off and steps away from me, trying to get another look at him.

"Please, Katie, just give me a chance and I'll explain everything." He begs.

All he's concerned about is my mother and telling his side of the story... what a piece of shit.

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