Chapter 43: Can't Win

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"You know her? How?" Monique frowns.

I avoid looking at her while I try to think of a way to explain this. I don't want to go into detail of how I know Maya, but I can't make anything up. I just have to be truthful...

"How, Michael?" She said in a stern tone as she stares right through me.

"We... we were friends."


"Yeah." I say quietly.

She scoffs and shakes her head.

"Don't lie to me Michael."

"I'm not lying to you."

She bites her lip and continues to shake her head as she rests back on the seat and looks out the window.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew her? You both acted like you were strangers! Why? Why did you lie to me?"

"It's complicated." I sigh. "We hadn't seen each other in years, and that night at the party was the first time I'd seen her in a long time."

"Oh my god." She widens her eyes and laughs before running her hands through her hair. "Everything makes sense now... the party, tonight at the funfair... That's why you were acting so weird. I knew something was wrong with you at the party, but you lied and told me you weren't feeling well."

"I'm sorry." I frown. "I didn't want to lie, but Maya-"

"Is she your ex?"


"Then what is she? She can't just be a friend! I don't believe that for one second! I've seen you both flirting with each other! I've seen the looks you give each other!"

"I haven't flirted with her! I swear! I'm not like that, I wouldn't do that to you."

"I didn't think you'd lie to me either, but you have."

I take a deep breath and look down.

"So, what? You were friends with benefits?"

"No." I frown.

"So, you're telling me you didn't fuck her?"

I run my hand through my hair and keep quiet.

"I can't believe this." She shakes her head. "You lied to me and that bitch is lying to my brother!"

"Monique, it was a long time ago." I give her a look.

"So why are you both lying?!"

"I told you, it's complicated! And Maya thought it was for the best because it would avoid the awkwardness and all the questions."

"Maya thought it was for the best? You've spoken to her?"

I lock my jaw and rub my forehead.

"Michael, have you spoken to her?!"

"Yes, I have."

"When?" She frowns.

"We talked to each other briefly at the party, and we saw each other a couple weeks ago..."

"You went behind my back to see her?" Monique's voice shakes and her eyes cloud with tears.

"Mon, nothing happened, I promise. We just talked. We had some things to say to each other after all this time." I frown.

"How many times have you been to see her?"

"Just once."

"I thought you were different, Michael." She looks away from me and quickly wipes her eyes.

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