Chapter 73: Sold

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"This beautiful house is truly one-of-a-kind. It's built on a 9,200-square-foot lot, so there's plenty of room for you to really put your stamp on it and make it something special. And all this space is perfect for a family home. There are 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, one of them being an en suite in the master bedroom and there's a traditional wood-burning fireplace in the living room which is a welcome addition to any home. You'll be thankful for it when the colder weather sets in. Personally, I feel when winter approaches there's nothing better than feeling cosy in front of a fire while watching the flames dance, there's something magical about it."

"I'd be roasting marshmallows all day." Wes said in his typical manner as he flashed a charming smile.

I chuckle and roll my eyes before continuing to walk slowly around the room, taking in every detail.

"You can't have a fire without marshmallows, and a cup of hot chocolate, of course." Natasha laughs softly. "Now, I'll take you over to the kitchen. If you like to cook, you'll love this. It has a rustic, modern vibe to it with beautiful marble countertops and a large island centred in the middle. Again, it's ideal for a family, or perfect for when you have guests over."

"I think I'll be over here all the time. This house is amazing. You don't mind if me and Amy move in too, do you? You'll have more than enough room."

"I haven't said I'll take it yet." I said, giving him a look.

"It's pretty prefect, though. What more could you want? I can totally see you and Maya living here."

"The bedrooms need some work, though..."

"Ah, all they need is a lick of paint. And I can help you with any DIY stuff, don't worry about that. Regardless of what work needs doing, you have to admit this place is beautiful."

"Yeah, absolutely. It's lovely, but... I'm just not completely sold on it yet. I don't know why... I feel like something is missing." I place my hands in my pockets and shrug.

"Like what?" Wes makes a face.

"I don't know?" I said, pulling a face back at him.

I want this to be mine and Maya's forever home, and I have to be 100% sure before making a decision because I want it to be perfect for us. Buying a house like this is a serious commitment and I want to get it right.

"I haven't shown you the garden yet. You might change your mind after you've seen it. I think it's the best part about this house." Natasha smiles.

And she was right, it's breath taking. The pictures I saw online really do not do it justice - it's much more beautiful in person. The grass is slightly overgrown, but all in all it looks like it's been kept up together pretty well. The delightful smells of nature and floral scents waft through the summer air, and the sound of birds and the tinkling of wind chimes fill my ears. Finally, I have a good feeling about this. It's like everything has suddenly been brought alive by the sounds of nature and enhanced with colours that only Mother Nature herself can create. I'm not just seeing this as a house anymore, I'm seeing it as a home. And I know Maya would fall in love with it.

"It's gorgeous, isn't it?" Natasha gushes. "There is so much space out here, and the trees really help with giving you that extra bit of privacy."

"They're wonderful." I smile widely.

"There's a sweet, little ornamental pond with a fountain over this way." Natasha said, leading the way.

"It's amazing. There are so many lovely sights out here."

"Yes, I saved the best until last." She nods, showing a wide smile.

I look to my left and further down the garden is something that looks like a summer house. I didn't see any pictures of that online?

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