Chapter 62: Fake Smile

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I've been dreading today...

We arrive at the hotel after a day at the spa. Amy doesn't know that me and her friends arranged for the room to be decorated with flowers, bride balloons and banners. Her friends have also bought some games for us to play and made cupcakes and cookies.

I'm putting on a fake smile for Amy, but I really don't want to be here. It was kind of awkward at first because it's the first time I've met her friends, but they are nice and the day hasn't been too bad... I just have other things on my mind...

We get in the elevator and head up to our floor.

"I really needed that pamper session." Amy sighs. "The back massage was incredible. Did you like it, Maya?"

"Yeah, my facial was nice. I've never had one before."

"You haven't?" Riley raised her eyebrows, sounding surprised.

"No... I've never been the type of girl to get stuff like that done."

"Me neither." Nicki said. "The only facial I've ever had is when my man's-"

"We should do it more often." Amy smiles, cutting Nicki off.

I can only guess what Nicki was about to say. We're not the only people in the elevator... so I see why Amy cut her off.

"Yesss." Harper moans. "We should make it a weekly thing."

"Weekly? Girl, I can't be affording shit like that every week." Nicki widens her eyes. "What planet do you live on? Not everyone is married to a millionaire." She pulls a face, shooting Harper a look.

"I thought it would be a nice girly thing to do! You know, a way for all of us to unwind and catch up every week."

"Ok, if you're paying, then I'm in." Nicki laughs, making the rest of us laugh.

We get off the elevator when it comes to our floor number and walk down the hallway to our room.

"We don't have to go to fancy, expensive spa's." Amy shakes her head. "A girls night in, or going out for something to eat would be fine."

"Nah, that's too basic for Harper." Riley smirks.

"You know me too well, darrrrling. I do things in style." Harper grins.

"Mmm, unfortunately, us peasants are on a budget." Nicki said, making a face.

"Peasants?! Speak for yourself." Riley scoffs.

"What? You got yourself a rich man too now? Or have you finally made a sugar baby account?"

"Sugar baby?!" Amy gasps.

"God, I was just playin when I said that." Riley rolls her eyes.

"You was not!" Nicki laughs.

"Hey, if it gets you money, why not?" Harper grins.

"Yeah, why not? Harper's got herself a sugar daddy. Take some notes from her." Nicki smirks.

"Funny." She scoffs, rolling her eyes.

We reach our room and Amy gasps as she opens the door and walks in.

"You guys! The room looks amazing! I love it!"

"The inflatable dicks were my idea." Nicki smirks, walking over to one and holding it as she pokes her tongue out, pretending to lick it.

"Of course they were." Amy laughs.

"Let's get this party started!" Riley shouts and turns on some music.

"I'll open the champagne!" Harper smiles excitedly.

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