Chapter 47 - Finale

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By lunch time, everyone heard about Mei and her expulsion from the school. It has turned a topic of gossip in every class. Kageyama and the boys took the recorded video to the headmaster earlier and showed it to him, following the statements from the boys that resulted for her to be expelled from the school.

Kageyama ran to the gym the moment the bell for the lunch break ran, panting as he slid the door open of the gym, only to be met with an empty gymnasium.

"Guess I'm early..." He said as he entered the gym. 

Slowly, the boys entered and at the end, Y/n entered with Hinata.

Hinata looks at Kageyama and lauhghed out loud.

"Baka, Kageyama.. why didn't you wear your training jersey?" Hinata mocked.

"Shut up" Kageyama shouts at Hinata before looking at him and gulping.

He walked towards her and scratches the back of his head "D-did you hear about Mei..?"

She nodded and looked down. "I didn't know there were others too..."

"Me neither, I'm just lucky to have them support me." He shrugged and smiled.

Y/n smiled before looking away awkwardly, while he did the same.

"I-I actually wanted to give you something.." He broke the silence.

The boys were whispering to each other as they stared at Kageyama and Y/n.

"Give what..?" She tilted her head.

Kageyama looked down at his Japanese school uniform before blushing hard, knowing quite well that everyone else in the gym was staring at him.

He moved his hand to his second button and everyone gasped as he tried to remove the button from his uniform.

Y/n gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands, knowing what he was doing.

(A/n:- For those who don't know, Giving a second button to a girl in a Japanese high school is equivalent to confess the feelings of love to her)

After he was able to get the button off, he looked at her and smiled.

Y/n stretched her arm towards him as he placed the button in her hand, smiling warmly at her, ignoring his red flushed cheeks.

Y/n looks at it and held onto it, smiling at him, while the group cheered and clapped.

"You did a good thing for once, huh Kageyama?" Hinata cheered and pats Kageyama's back, while Kageyama seemed annoyed by it.

After everyone was busy practicing after a while, Kageyama snuck up to stand beside Y/n.

"What's the matter..?" She looks at him.

"I wanted to say something that I couldn't before.." He muttered.

"And what would that be?" She turned towards him and puts her hand on her waist.

"I..." He bit his lip and looked at her before taking a deep breath and shaking his head.

He smiled as he met her gaze. "I love you, Y/n-chan...." He said as he felt his heart beating out of his chest, since he is mustering all the courage to be able to say the words that his tongue has been holding back for a long, long time now.

"I have always loved you. I just.." He bit his tongue and looked away. "I just couldn't seem to tell it to you. " He placed his palm on his forehead. "I don't know why, I'm always dumbfounded whenever I am near you. But that's what it is." He said.

Y/n looks at him with a smile, before silently giggling as she looks at how he facepalmed himself. She leaned closer to him and gives him a kiss on his cheek, making him look at her with his eyes slightly widened.

"It doesn't matter anymore." She winked. "All that matters is that everything is perfectly fine now." She smiled and showed a thumbs up.

"Mhmm." He smiled back at her and nodded.

"Oi Kageyama! Hurry up!" Daichi called out to him before looking at other memberes.

Kageyama looked at Daichi before looking at Y/n.

"Well what are you waiting for?" She looks at him and smiled.

Kageyama quickly moves his head left and right, looking around to make sure that no one was looking at him. After making sure that no one was looking at him or at Y/n, he quickly pulled her chin towards him and gave her a quick peck on the lips before running towards the court, looking back at her and grinning, after looking at how surprised she looked, but eventually smiled at him.


"So that's how you met mom?" (A/n PUN INTENDED XD) 3 year old Toshio asked Kageyama.

"That's right." Kageyama smiled and looked at Y/n, who was fixing the bed for Toshio to sleep on.

"Toshio-chan, bed's ready. Come on." Y/n ushered as the little boy quickly stood up and went towards his mother, before giving he a good night kiss and having been put to bed.

"Good night." Y/n smiled as she walked out with Kageyama and closed the door to his bed.

"Sweetheart?" Kageyama called out to her as they were walking towards their room.

"Hm?" She looks at him as they entered the bedroom.

"Let's go to the balcony, I'll get the drinks." He suggested with a smile, while she nodded.

Y/n went to the balcony, staring at the night sky with a slightly cool wind hitting he hair and skin, while Kageyama got a bottle of champagne and two glasses, pouring out the champagne on both of the glasses and offering her one.

"Happy 4 years anniversary, my love." Kageyama smiled as they tossed their glasses before drinking their champagne.

"Happy anniversary, hubby." Y/n smiled.

"Now, for the anniversary gift..." Kageyama got closer to her and whispered in her ear. "What about another baby?" He grinned before kissing her neck playfully before being pushed away playfully by her.

"Oi oi" Kageyama held her wrist and smirked at her. "I'm not joking." He said.

Y/n just raised her eyebrow. "Is there nothing else you got for me?" She crossed her arms and grinned.

"That, and lots of love." He takes the glass from her hand, placing it on the side, before wrapping her arms around her waist, as she wrapped hers arms around his neck.

"I love you, Y/n-chan.." He whispered as he looked down at her.

"I love you too." She smiled as she looked back at him. 

Kageyama leaned in and felt her breath hit his lips before closing his eyes as he kissed her, while Y/n smiled through the kiss, causing Kageyama to smile too and break the kiss as he looks at her, before carrying her bridal style and taking her back inside.

A Second Chance (Kageyama x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant