Chapter 46 - Exposed

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Summer break was finally over and the wait was finally all going to be worth it. Kageyama has planned carefully throughout the whole break and was proud of himself to have been able to find a foolproof way to finally get rid of her once and for all.

He had some of his acquaintances and friends from other classes help him out in carrying out his plan, to which they all surprisingly agreed.

Kageyama was currently huddled with his friends in front of his home, before they made their way to school.

"Alright guys, you remember what to do?" He grinned and asks. 

"Yep!" One of them showed a thumbs up. "Leave it to us."

"Yeah, we've been victims to her stupid act before too, and we're happy to help." The other boy added.

"Great! I'll go and pick her up right now, I'll see you all later. Meet you all in the school." Kageyama nods and smiled. "Let's end her little play here once and for all boys."

He says while the boys all cheered and smiled.

Kageyama went over to Mei's home to pick her up so they could walk to school, and she clung onto his arms throughout their way to school, one of the things that she have always done ever since she got into a 'relationship' with him.

Kageyama excused himself from the practice as well, already informing the boys of what he had planned to do, and the boys decided to not have any practice at all and be there to watch him execute his plan and support him.

There was a sudden fire alarm that went off throughout the whole school, and the whole school was preparing the fire drill that they trained for.

Y/n and Hinata were in the hallway, talking normally.

"We're having a fire drill today?!" Y/n asked.

"That's what I heard.." Hinata crossed his arms and hummed. "That's why our practice was cancelled too." He nodded.

"I-I see.." She looks down. "Weird to have it done in the morning though.." She mentioned.

"It can't be helped,  let's just go along with it." He yawned.

The boys that agreed to help Kageyama, spotted him near the auditorium, with Mei still standing close to him.

Kageyama spotted the boys that were scattered around the area and nodded, giving them a sign to take advantage of the crowd that were around due to the fire drill.

The boys all surrounded the couple, disrupting their movement to the direction they were supposed to go, and forced them towards the auditorium, where it was just the boys, Kageyama, and Mei.

Mei looks around to see the familiar faces standing around her, and stood close to Kageyama, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Are you scared?" One of them spoke up.

"Do you not want to go out with us anymore?" The other asked while all the other boys except for Kageyama laughed.

"I-I don't know who they are." She faked her tears as she looks at Kageyama. "I don't know why they are all ganging up on me."

"Please save those tears for someone else."  The other spoke up.

Meanwhile, The volleyball team (except for Y/n and Hinata) were standing outside the windows of the auditorium, recording the conversation that was going on from different angles in case a back up was needed.

"Who are you all?" She looked at them.

"Did you forget our names, or what you did to us? If that's the case, let us remind you.."

"Ito Hirotaka, Class 3, You had me break up with the one I love the most by creating a misunderstanding."

"Nakamura Ren, Class 1, You told my girl lies about me to the point she no longer know trust me."

"Inoue Chikafusa, Class 2, You set me up with you and took a pic in a way that looks like we were kissing, when I was actually helping you out with your hair."

Kageyama let each one of them speak up about how they were played by Mei, and how they fell victim by her.

After every one of them were done talking about how Mei treated them, Mei looks at Kageyama, whose eyes were covered with his hair, his mouth fixed in a stern position, without saying anything.

"Don't listen to them. They're lying, every single one of them.." She held on to his arm. "You need to believe me, they're setting this up.

"Kageyama Tobio." Kageyama shouted before glaring at her. "Class 1.." He pushed her away from him. "Forced to be in a relationship with someone who is not the one I'm in love with, and forced to ignore my best friend."

Mei was caught off guard with his act and just looked at him as he walked towards the guys and stood with them as they faced her.

"Whatever you say can and will be use against you, Mei. Think before you speak." Kageyama blurted out. "

"So that was your plan all along, huh." Mei wiped away her fake tears and looks at Kageyama. "The fire alarm was a setup to bring me here and to get all this good-for-nothings say stuff about me." She glared at them.

"Let me tell you, there's nothing you can do that can work against me. Yes, I used all of you, waht about it?" She smirked while the boys all glared at her.

"What if I tell you that I can get you expelled?" Kageyama grinned and crossed his arms.

Mei smirked. "You think that kind of threat can work against me?" She chuckled. "Nice try. Many have said things like that to me all the time. All they can do is wish it really was."

"Look out the windows." Kageyama told. "I've got my friends filming every single thing that's been happening here from the moment we entered." He scoffed. "That is enough to be used as an evidence to get you expelled from here once and for all."

Mei widened her eyes as she looks at Kageyama.

"You won't dare too..."

Kageyama nodded. "Yes, I will." Kageyama walks towards her. "All the horrible things you have done to me, and everyone else standing here..." He looked down at her. "You are best expelled from here."

Everyone at the back cheered and yelled as they looked at how intimidated Mei looked.

"What? Are you scared?" Kageyama mocked her. "Did I instill fear for someone who knew nothing about being cornered?" He smirked. "Looks like your time's up, 'baby'. This is where your act ends."

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