Chapter 15 - Movie

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Y/n looked at him.

"Oikawa-san told that you didn't do anything like that with him.." he blushed and scratched the back of his head as he looked away and mumbled.

"Uh-umm..." She nodded.

He widened his eyes.

"Even though you were his girlf- umm... aren't you his ex?"

"I always wanted my first kiss to be memorable and that is why I told him off everytime he tried to approach me, because I didn't want to experience something like that back then yet..." She looks at him. "Also, it was kinda, I don't know. I couldn't trust him completely since I'd always find him around girls and he'd occasionally flirt with them too.."

Kageyama looks down. "Why me though...?"

"Because I know I can trust you."

He looked at her, who looked at him and smiled.

"You're different, Tobio-kun..." She looks down before looking at him again with widened eyes.

"Could it be...Tobio-kun...that was your first...too..."

Kageyama looked at her with surprise then looked away with red flushed cheeks, nodding slightly.

"I'm sorry.." she looks down.

"N-no, I'm glad you were my first." He mumbled under his breath, that could be heard only to him.

He puts his hand on her head and smiled as she looks up at him.

"Don't worry about it..." He assured.

"Now.." he looks around. "Since we still got more time to kill, why not go somewhere else?" He suggests.

"We can go watch a movie..?" He looks at her and she nods with a smile.

Upon reaching the theatre, they look at the posters to see what they were offering to play for the day.

"Let's watch horror." He suggested.

"H-h-huh??" Y/n looks at him.

"What? You don't like it?" He asked and she shakes her head.

"There's action too, we might go for that then.." he looked at the poster. "Why don't you wait here while I go buy us some tickets?" He asks and she smiled st hom.


He quickly went to join the queue and after a long wait he returned.

"Actually..." He looks down.

Y/n looks at him and tilts her head. "Is everything okay..?"

"The tickets for the comedy were sold out so all I got for us is the horror..." He looks at her.

She smiled at him and nodded. "It's okay... don't worry about it.."

'i hope i remain calm during jump scares' she thought.

They went to buy some snacks and browsed at what they want to get. After ordering whatever they wanted, Y/n stepped forward.

"Let me pay this." She offered.

"What?? No!!" Kageyama held her arm.

"You payed for the ticket, pls let me pay for this.." she looks at him.

"I don't let a lady pay on a date." He pulled his wallet and stepped forward. "I knew we were going out today so I have saved enough, don't worry."

She blushed and stared at him. "Date...?" She muttered

He realized what he told and blushed as well, before looking away after paying.

"I-It is technically a date since it's just the two of us, is it not?" He asks while still looking away, trying to hide the flustered expression.

"I-I guess.." she nodded and looked away feeling her cheeks heat up.

They quickly went to sit on their site and puts their drinks in the cupholder of their armrest in between the both of them.

The movie soon started and as the plot in the movie was being laid, Kageyama was indulged with the movie while Y/n always had her heart skip a beat with every suspense that created the environment even more spooky.

Kageyama kept on munching on his popcorn while she didn't touch hers yet, clinging on to his arm or trying to hide her face behind his arm whenever she got scared.

At the middle of the movie, Kageyama looked at her. "Are you really that scared?" He tilts his head. "You've been holding onto me from the beginning."

Y/n panicked and let his arm go quickly, holding on to the arm of the stranger beside her. "N-n-no, I'm not scared!" She shakes her head.

The stranger looked at Y/n, who didn't realize she was holding onto, and Kageyama frowned at her, being a little jealous as he took her hands off the stranger's arm and placed them over his own arm.

"Y-you don't need to hold anyone else, you can hold me." He huffed cutely while looking at the big screen.

Y/n smiled at him, burying her face on his arm at the sudden scream from the movie scene.

Kageyama looks at her with a smile and held her hand over the arm rest as he continued to watch the movie till the end.

As they walk out of the theatre, he decided to drop her home and walked beside her as they exited.

"That movie was intense.." she told as she looked ahead.

"You didn't even watch the whole thing." He had his hands in his pocket as he looked at her.

"I-I did!!" She pouts and looks away.

"The only part you watched was when the male lead and the female lead...umm..." He looked away. "Were having s-s-se-x" he struggled to say the word while blushing.

She laughed at him. "That was the only part that seemed funny to me." She looks at him. "Why'd you do that when you know a killer is on the loose?"

He looked at her and smiled. "Trying to make their last moments count I guess."

She looks at him in surprise then ended up laughing as he did thr same.

"Let's go, it's getting late." She shakes her head as she lead the way.

Upon reaching her home, she looked at him as she stopped walking.

"Tobio-kun, thank you for today..." She smiled. "I enjoyed your company."

He blushed a little before clearing his throat. "Me too..."

She walked towards the door and looked at him again.

"I'll see you tomorrow, good night.." she smiled.

"Good night..." He smiled as he waved at her.

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