Chapter 1 - Awkward Encounter

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It was the first day at Karasuno High and Kageyama has just entered the school gates. He had his hands in his pockets as he walk past people and entered the hallways, changing into indoor shoes before going off to search for his class. As he entered the class, he sees a group of people huddled around a table. He just looked at them and then scanned around the class to find an empty seat, not acknowledging what the crowd was gathered about. He found an empty seat right beside the crowded table and huffed when he realized that was the only empty sea available. He went over and placed his bag down beside his table and sat on the chair, resting his head on his hand, now looking over at the crowd wondering what it's all about.

As people pushed and moved, he caught a glimpse of a girl, and his eyes widened, believing that his eyes might have deceived him.

'Y/n..?' He thought as he stared and leaned closer to get a better look.

As people started to go back to their seat since the bell rang, he now got a better view of the (hair length) girl that was beside him, his jaw dropping in disbelief. Y/n sighed with all the unnecessary attention (Spoiler:- it's not for good reason XD) and pushed the strand of her, tucking it behind her ear and looked beside her, staring at Kageyama upon noticing him. She then gives him a small smile and Kageyama just faked a cough and looked away, realizing he's been staring for too long.

The class started and both Y/n and Kageyama looked ahead focusing on the class, while he caught glimpses of her without her noticing. Why wouldn't he, she's his first love after all. He can't help but think if them being in the same school was a coincidence or not.


Kageyama thinks of how he and Y/n were in the same batch, although not the same class. He would always go to Y/n's class to wait for one of his volleyball team mate and that's how he saw Y/n and fell for her that instant, going to 'wait' for his team mates as an excuse to see her. Rumours has it that she's a heartbreaker, playing around and rejecting boys for 'fun' , he didn't have a good reputation himself, being called the 'king' of the court among the sportsmen. Regardless his minor doubts, he decided to pursue her but couldn't muster up the courage that led to Oikawa asking her out first.

~End of Flashback~

The sound of the bell brought him back to reality when he looked at Y/n again, who was looking at him.

"You dropped your book." She told as she handed him the book.

He silently took his book and placed it on the table without making eye contact.

Y/n wanted to talk more since he was the only familiar person to her in the class, but realized it would have been awkward if she tried to talk to him, since they never really talked to each other due to Kageyama losing his words whenever he's around her, so he decided to stay quiet instead.

"Th-tha-thanks.." He muttered without looking at her.

"You're welcome." she answered and he looked away.

After every classes, there were always crowd at the door of their class since everyone wanted to see who the 'heartbreaker' was, and talking stuff about the rumour they heard from others.

"I heard she dumped Oikawa-san after using him." One of the girls whispered.

"She apparently does that to every boy she talks to." Another girl huffs and whispered back.

Y/n was looking out the window while having her earphones on, while Kageyama was the one who was listening to all of the gossip. Of course, this has been going on since middle school so he knew what the deal was. He was just rather silent and tried to ignore everything that was going on, eagerly waiting for the lunch break to hand in his application form.

During the lunch break before submitting the form, he went over to the vending machine and stared intently deciding between the yogurt and milk, when a sudden voice behind him broke his concentration.

"Yogurt, pls."

He froze for a fraction of seconds in surprise before turning around to see who it was, only to see Y/n standing, with her hand in her bag, trying to get the changes out. He just stared at her blankly.

"A-Ar-Are you asking me to choose yogurt?" He frowned sternly.

She looks at him and shakes her head. "Ah-no, i wanted yogurt, please.." she smiled awkwardly before handing her hand out to hand him the change, while he moved aside to let her use the vending machine first.

'yea, I'm an idiot.' They both thought to themselves realizing their moves were completely out of sync.

"I..guess I will get it myself." Y/n forced a laugh to make the situation less awkward and stepped forward, inserting the coin and immediately pressing the button for the yogurt. After taking the yogurt, she takes it and smiled at him before walking away.

Kageyama waits till she's out of sight and exhaled profusely, slamming his hands on the machine, trying to move on from how foolish he's been around her before looking at the yogurt in the machine. He inserted the coin and quickly pressed the yogurt(so you don't wanna take time in deciding for your drink now, huh Kags? XD) , taking it once it hit the bottom and pulls it out. He stares at the yogurt and pulls out the straw, inserting it in the drink and starts drinking it.

He then headed over to the gym, looking at Hinata who was also standing by the gym door and glared at him before realizing that he is also in the same school as Kageyama is in and they are both applying for the volleyball team.

Later that day, the classes went on normally without anything much happening, Y/n and Kageyama were not having much of a contact after the awkward encounter at the vending machine. After the school ended for the day, Kageyama went over to the gym for his practice, focusing on volleyball for the remaining of the day.

A Second Chance (Kageyama x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon