Chapter 12 - Closeness

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The few days after that night, both Y/n and Kageyama started to ease up around each other and were spending more and more time together. Everyone around school eventually stopped talking about Y/n and her old rumour started to die, which is a good thing. The volleyball team began to trust Y/n and they were building themselves up quite well with her training plans.

 It was finally the last day of school of the week before weekend started,  and both Y/n and Kageyama were on their way to Kageyama's home since he needed help with his project.

"If you did the project on time, you wouldn't skip practice today." Y/n mentioned while walking beside him.

"I couldn't finish it up because I was showing up for practice." He huffed softly and looks away. "And also because I have no idea what to write." He mumbles.

Y/n looks at him and pulls his cheeks, stopping him from walking.

"You could ask for help." She pouts. "There are many other classmates who are really good at studying. Even Takumi could help you." She furrows her eyebrow and lets him go.

"Takumi?" He raised and eyebrow while rubbing his cheek on the spot she pulled.

"The class rep?" She looks at him, and he returned the stare.

She sighed. "You could ask for help, basically. From anyone."

"Why ask anyone when I have you?" He asks, making her blush.

She shook her head and looked ahead. "L-lets go!" She pulled his arm and walked ahead, while he smiled.

Kageyama opened the door to his home and entered, removing his shoes and wearing the indoor slippers. 

"Here," He placed another pair of indoor slippers in front of her. "Wear these." He says.

She does as told and followed him to his room. She looks around while she followed him.

"Isn't anyone home yet?" She asks him.

"They work till late night." He says and opens the door to his room, switching on the lights.

They entered his room and he moves a small coffee table beside his bed, where she sat and places her bag beside her. 

He sits beside her and opens his bag, taking out the book and a notebook.

"Don't you wanna change out of your school uniform though?" She asks him.

"That can be done later, no issues." He shrugs and takes out the pen.

"Alright, let's start." He looks at her, while she grabs the book and turns to the page that they need to work on.

"Or just let me copy your work." He suggested, earning a playful slap on his arm.

"I didn't come here to let you copy my work." She rolled her eyes.

"F-fine, tell me what I should do." He huffs and rests his head on his hand.

They work on their project for a few hours, before they decided to take a small break.

"I'll get us something to drink." Kageyama stood up and stretched his arms. "What would you like to have?" He asks.

"A glass of water is fine." She said. 

He nods and leaves the room, only to come back after few min with a glass of water and a can of coke for himself, before sitting beside her again.

They put their drinks on the table since they continued to get back to work, taking sips of their drink in between.

"Oh yeah," Kageyama looks at her. "About the meeting you have with your friend tomorrow, are you still up for it?" He asks.

"Now that you mention it, I do." She looks at her phone. "I did agree to her after all." She smiled.

"You sure you wanna go for it?" He asks.

"What makes you ask about it again?" She looks at him. 

"N-nothing, just wanna know if you're sure." He looks away.

Y/n giggled before trying to reach out for his notebook to check on his answers, pulling it to her side of the table and inspecting it.

Meanwhile Kageyama reached out to take her empty glass of water and spilled his coke over the table in the process. Y/n acted quickly to rescue all the books on the table, while on the other end it had already spilled on Kageyama's shirt and pants.

Kageyama seemed to be annoyed as he takes off his shirt and stands up.

Y/n looks at him and notices his toned abs wide eyed and blushes before looking away to avoid staring.

"I'll get changed and be back." He tells her and she just nods.

He returns after a short while and sits beside her again.

"Okay then-" He looks at her to see that she was looking away. "What's the matter?" He asks.

"N-nothing, let's continue." She mumbles.

Kageyama raised an eyebrow and moves his head to get a proper look at her. "Look at me."

She takes a deep breath and looks at him. "What?" She asked.

He rests his head on his hand and stares at he for a while. "Why do you look like that?" He asked.

"W-what are you talking about?" She looks away and tucks her hair behind her ear, that made him chuckle.

"I was just kidding." He shakes his head. "I think we can continue the next day." He looks at the clock on his wall. "I think you should be going home now too, right?"

She looks at the clock and nods. "I didn't realize that it is already this late."

"Well then, let me drop you home." He stands up and helped her up.

They were both on their way home, and Kageyama decided to talk to not make things awkward in silence.

"Y/n.." He started. "I was just curious, what kind of guys are you actually into?" He looks at her.

"I don't really have a specific taste." She shrugged. "What about you?" She looks at him.

"Ahh..." He looks ahead and puts his hands in his pocket. "Someone smart and pretty." 

"Don't you think every girl's pretty?" She raised her eyebrow.

"They are, but this one stands out the most." He looks at her. "Back in middle school, she was my first love." He sighed.

"Oh." She looks ahead and smiled. "Do you still feel the same about her?" She asked him.

Kageyama looked up at the sky with the smile. 


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