Chapter 30 - Reconcile

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"why was her cheek red then??" He confronted.

"Oh, that was just the heat of the moment." Oikawa shakes his head.

"You dare say that after hurting her..?" Kageyama grits his teeth.

Oikawa smirks. "You're the one to tell. You're just like me."

"Stop fooling around, I didn't hurt her." Kageyama clenched his fists.

"Maybe not physically...but with what you said? I'd assume that you've lost her too." Oikawa grins.

Kageyama looks at him cluelessly.

" 'I'll pretend that you don't exist' is the keyword." Oikawa pats his shoulder before walking towards the door.

"Good job into making her look like she was worthless."

Oikawa said with a sarcasm before exiting.

Kageyama stared at himself in the mirror before turning the faucet on and splashing water on his face with frustration.

He then  stared at the running water, placing his hands on the counter, resting his body weight on it.

"I lost a second chance I had with her...."

He whispered before closing his eyes shut.

"I can't believe i did it again...."

He had a break in his voice, seemingly wanting to cry.

Hinata then just opened the restroom door.

"Kageyama! We're going to leave you if you don't go back now!" He told with his big smile.

Kageyama still stared at the running water, lost in his thoughts.

"Ahh... you're probably upset that we couldn't get back at them. Don't mind, Kageyama!" Hinata walks over and gently pats his back. "We'll win the next one!!"

"Where's Y/n?"

Kageyama abruptly asks and looks at Hinata.

"Hm? She's in the bus with everyone else." Hinata scratched his cheek.

"Did she seem sad or anything?"

Hinata shook his head and Kageyama sighed in disbelief.

"Why? Did something happen?" Hinata asked out of curiosity.

"N-No.." Kageyama turned the faucet and the water stopped pouring. "Let's go."

They exited the restroom and Kageyama kinda jogged to the bus, entering it and looking around.

He found a free sit next to Y/n, who was staring out the window.

Before he could make it towards her, Sugawara went and sat beside her.

"Oh!" Sugawara looked at Kageyama. "Im sorry, this is actually my seat. Y/n traded seats with Daichi so she's seating here." He smiled.

Kageyama looked at her and sighed before going to sit with Hinata instead.

The whole journey was nerve-wracking for Kageyama since all he thought about was her, and what he could do to make things right. All he knew was that he didn't want to lose her.

After the bus came to a stop and everyone were getting off the bus, people were seeing each other off and left to return home.

Kageyama searched around for Y/n but she was nowhere to be found.

"Did she leave without me..? But even if she did, she shouldn't have gone far.." Kageyama muttered to himself as he looked around.

Y/n was standing behind a tree to avoid his gaze, holding the phone in her hand after keeping it on silent.

Kageyama then pulled out his phone and dialled her number, to which she avoided answering.

"Please, give me a chance to explain.." He sighed desperately and rang her again.

After ringing her a few times only to no avail, he keeps his phone in his pocket and started walking.

'She might've gone home..' He thought to himself.

The next day, Y/n got ready and stepped out of home. Kageyama has been waiting there as usual but she didn't even glance at him, literally pretending that he wasn't even there.

'Don't break in front of him.. don't break in front of him.' She thought to herself as she walked without looking at him.

"G-Good morning, Y/n.." Kageyama greeted and walked beside her.

She ignored him and continued looking ahead as she greeted him with silence.

Kageyama thought for a while before looking at her again. 

"The practice match yesterday was intense, isn't it?" He asked.

'So he is not even going to apologize to me for what he did yesterday, is that how you do things, Kageyama Tobio..?' She thought to herself, gripping the straps of her bag in frustration.

Kageyama saw the change in her expression and raised her eyebrow. "Are you okay..?"

She then stopped walking and looked down.

"Kageyama..." She muttered and frowned. 

He widened his eyes when she called him by his last name.

'Kageyama..? Did she just call me by my last name...?'

"After all the ruckus we had yesterday, I thought we made it clear that we're not going to appear before one another since I need to depend on myself more. Stop following me."

She told with a clench in her heart before continuing to walk.

Kageyama just stared at her as she walked on ahead, still stuck up on the fact that she no longer calls him like she used to.

'Are you done with me..?' He thought to himself.

Y/n's lips quivered as she tried to keep a strong front.

'Boke, don't you even know that you're supposed to apologize?' She thought to herself and huffed.

'If you did, I'd forget everything and...' she shook her head and sighed.

"It's not like he loves me anyway.." She mumbled as she continued walking.

During the classes in school, Kageyama kept his distance since he didn't know what to do, but kept looking at her since he can't help it. (Maybe confess your love to her now..??? Seems like the perfect time you know?)

Mei was passing by his desk when she spots the heavy atmosphere around them and smiled.

"Well, things are not going well now, is it?" She chuckled and looked at Kageyama.

Kageyama just gave her a glare before she rolled her eyes and sat on her seat, minding her own business.

Kageyama then moved his eyes back on Y/n, who was staring out the window while listening to some songs.

Kageyama then widened his eyes as an idea popped in his head, taking out his phone and texting someone before hitting send.

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