"He seems really popular. Those girls around him are all third years."

Kushida was surprised, too. I overheard some of the conversation between Kouenji and the older girls.

"Here, Koenji-kun, say 'Ahh!'" one of them said. 

"Ha ha! Just as I thought, more mature girls are the best."

He certainly didn't act shy at all around the third-years ladies. Rather, he ate his food while they practically pressed up against him.

"That guy is really something else," Ayanokouji muttered.

"He's a whole beast if I may say so myself." I claimed.

"His name seems to be going around lately. People are talking about him." Kushida explained.

"What a sad world." Ayanokouji says.

"Those girls are just being realists. You can't afford to eat on dreams alone," she said.

"Are you a realist, Kushida?"

"I'd say I'm a bit of a dreamer. Something like a knight in shining armor would be nice."

"A knight in shining armor, hmm?" 

We sat as far away from Koenji as possible.

"What about you, Ayanokouji-kun? Do you like girls like Horikita- san?" she asked.

"Why'd you bring up Horikita?" 

"Well, you're always with her. Isn't she cute?"

"I won't respond, but even then, she wouldn't date me, and I wouldn't date her. I mean, why date an ordinary looking guy?"

"Know something, Ayanokouji-kun? You've caught the girls' eyes for a little while now. You're on a first-year students' ranking chart. Oh, you too Shinjiro-kun."

To the point that even I was included...

"Caught their eye? Me? Also, what the hell kind of ranking?" Ayanokouji asked.

Apparently, we men had been rated without even noticing. Was it like the ranking we'd made for the girls' breast sizes? I sympathize even more to the girls than beforehand. Before it was a 100%, now it's a 145%.

"Well, there are lots of different rankings, you know? The hot guy rankings. The rich guy rankings. The creeper rankings. And—"

"Okay, that's enough. I don't think I want to hear any more."

"Don't worry. You're ranked a respectable fifth place in the hot guy rankings. Congratulations! By the way, Satonaka-kun in Class A is in first place. Hirata-kun's in second. The third and fourth place boys are in Class A. Sixth place is Shinjiro-kun, so nice job! I feel like Hirata-kun gets lots of points because of his looks and personality."

"Is it okay for me to be happy about that?" Ayanokouji asked. 

"Of course. Oh, but the both of you also ranked pretty high in gloominess."


"Let's see..."  Ayanokouji muttered.

Me and Ayanokouji looked at Kushida's cell phone. There really were a lot of different ranking charts. I saw a ranking titled, "Boys Who Should Die."  Ike and Yamauchi were in a "respective" first and second place with Yamauchi being first.

"Are you not really happy about it? You're ranked fifth Ayanokouji-kun."

"I guess if I cared about popularity, it'd be different, but I don't really feel anything. So, does everyone participate in this?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Well, not everyone, but lots of people do. I don't know the exact number of votes, though. The comments are also anonymous."

"I see..."

"I think you're probably at a disadvantage, Ayanokouji-kun. From my point of view, you're definitely attractive enough to be considered a hot guy, but I don't think people would say you're as beautiful or stand out as much as Hirata-kun. You're not exceptionally smart, you don't have exceptional athletic ability, and you're not a great conversationalist. There's something missing, some element of attractiveness, you know?" Kushida claimed

"Heh, don't worry Ayanokouji. It's okay-"

"Although Shinjiro-kun isn't much different..."

"Excuse me?"

"S-sorry. I probably should have held back a bit." Kushida appeared sheepish. 

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun. Did you have a girlfriend in junior high school?"

"Would it be bad if I didn't?" 

"So, you didn't have one? Ha ha, no. No, it's not bad."

"Rankings, huh? What would the girls think if the boys did something like that?" Ayanokouji asked.

"They'd probably consider them the lowest of the low." Kushida answered

"Society is truly flawed." I stated

"Ha ha, I guess so!" Kushida remarked.

"Shinjiro, can you go grab me a drink?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Oh, alrighty then. Do your thing."

"Sure, you better pay me back though."

"Don't worry, I will. I'll get some oolong please."

I left as I went to order some oolong tea. I didn't hear their conversation but I'm guessing it's related to the incident between each other.


The School Full of Elite Students Volume 1: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن