Chapter 15

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Justin paused for a breath.
"Once everyone scattered i took off towards Marian, she took off in the opposite direction and when i got to her i put my hand on her shoulder which she almost punched me for" he took another breather "she was looking for Damian and Clara but i told her they were safe, in the limo....."
We got in the car and Marian instantly hugged Clara and hug her so tight that it looked like she wouldn't let go. I also noticed a few tears roll down there faces.
We stopped somewhere and me Damian and Marian all were on stand by.
"Are we here?" Clara asks.
Marian shook her head 'no'.
Marian laid a hand on my shoulder and pointed to the spare gun. I was reluctant at first but handed herthe gun after she gave the look of give me the gun.
After a couple minutes the door opened and Marian pointed it at the person who opened it.
Colton. "Point the gun somewhere else you crazy lady!"
Marian lowered the gun a bit but not much "where are we Colton?"
"At my place"
"Your place?" Clara asks.
"Yes my place" he says with a spectacle look "I thought it be good idea for you guys hunker down here tonight after what the dance"
Marian stares at him "how did you find out about the dance"
"As soon as-whoever those guys were-left after beating up i called Colton and Told him what happened, seeing as he was closest and we needed his help" i say looking from person to person.
"Om my god! Im going to kill him!" Marian screamed in rage.
We were all curious. "Kill who?"
"My father" she seethes.

Third Person

"And now were here in Colton's house" Justin finished and looked around.
He noticed that Marian was still looking at the wall blankly and it pained him that he couldn't help her.
"So are we calling the others up?" Clara asks curious of what we do next.
"I suppose" Justin said and took out his phone to call everyone. But before he does so he sees Marian start to cry silently.
He looks at Colton And sits down beside Marian and places her in his lap as she cries.
He holds her tightly as she is stuck in one of the past memories.
Marians memory:
"WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!" My father yelled hitting my mother.
"To-to not disobey y-you" my mom says stuttering as she cries out I'm pain.
"And what did you do?"
"Disobey you"
"No you deserve a punishment" he took out a rope and started walking towards me.
I stood there confused and scared. I never seen my father act this way but maybe he did just in private.
"No!" My mother screamed but couldn't get up from the wounds she had.
"Now little my little angel im going to tie your hands ok?" He says with a menace look.
I shake my head. Not wanting my hands tied.
"Now!" He growls and i stick my hands out in front of my slowly.
He ties the rope tightly around my wrists and I couldn't get out.
"D-daddy what are you doing?" I ask scared.
"Teaching you mom a punishment" he said and strikes me.
In the thirteen years I'd known him and lived with him he never hit me. Ever.
I cried out in pain and feel to the floor. He kicked me in my side which cause me to curl up im a ball as he inflicted his anger on me.
About ten minutes later he finally stopped and looked at my mom.
"You better learn from that!" He growled and walked out of the room.
My mom crawled slowly to me and held my week and limp body as I cried.
I never felt so dead in my life.
We stayed there for a bit before she picked me up and carried me too my room. She fixed me up and laid in bed with me until we both feel asleep from the exhaustion and pain.
I woke up in the mourning to my alarm going off.
I slowly got up sore and aching. I got dressed in a pair of sweatpants anD a hoodie that could cover my face. I packed my bag silently and went to school.
I stood by my locker hissing in pain as my leg failed to hold me up. Carter came around the conner smiling but as soon as he saw me his smile fell.
He crouched down and hugged me. I couldn't raise my arms because they were so week.
"Your ok your ok" he says calming me down.
Let's get you somewhere else that's not the hall ok?" For being 14 he is quite tall and strong.
He helped me up and held me as he grabbed my stuff and head for the office.
We are known there quite well so whenever we come in we tell them to mark us present.
They know what goes on so they follow as we say. We walk into the office and Mrs. Perry sees us and rushes towards me faster then I thought possible.
"What happened?" She asks Carter but he shrugs.
"I don't know she hasn't said a thing all mourning"
She hugs me tightly and looks to Mrs. Carlson "mark them here for the whole day"
The secretary nods and marks us here. She then sends and email out to our teachers telling them what they usually say.
"Honey will you tel me what happened?" Mrs. Perry asks and i shake my head.
I look at Carter and whisper 'hood'.
He nods and removes the hood and They all gasp. There a big purple black eye.
"He never-never beat you before!" Mrs Carlson says tears pricking her eyes. "My god you poor girl"
I start to cry again and collapse on the floor feeling week and crying.
Carter falls with me and hugs me kissing me on the top of my head.
"You'll be ok"............
Marians Pov:
I blink out of the memory and look around the room. I notice im on Justin's lap, and that everyone is silent.
"What what happened?" I ask and Justin speaks.
"We called everybody and told them to get here" he starts "i saw that you were crying so I decided too hold you close"
I blushed a little at his sentence and looked away again.
I heard the door open and Carter was the first to come in. "Where is she?" He asked looking at us.
I slowly got up and went over to him. He'd been there for me so many times that he knew what was going on.
He hugged me and whispered what he did those 5 years, he also kissed the top of my head.
"Im here now your safe"
Hey guys hope you liked Sorry if i made you cry but now you got a glimpse in Marians past.
I have a few questions.

How do you think Justin will react to what Carter did and said?

Did i make you cry? I sure made myself cry.

Are you liking the book so far?

Please let me know in the comments and have an amazing and wonderful day/night
-Emma Anne

The Mafias Angel-Discontinued Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt