Chapter 7

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I wake up too my favourite song playing, Darkside by Neoni.
Cross my heart and hope to die, welcome too darkside.
I sing along to the song before getting out of bed and ready for school.
I groan realizing, it's a fucking Monday. Great.
I head to class and look around to see the Jacket with the rose.
"Shit!" I say realizing he's beside my spot. "Fuck!"I huff a sigh and go sit down beside him.
"This spot is ta- oh never mind it's for you, love" Justin says draping his arm on my shoulder.
"Don't do that!" I hiss grabbing my books.
"Do what?" He asks acting innocent.
"You know what!" I hiss again after shrugging his arm off my shoulder. He chuckles.
Our teacher comes in and asks if Justin wants to introduce.
"Well i would but...... no"
I chuckle at that. After class i check his time turns out we have the same classes.
I get glares from all the girls, when lunch rolls around. Kacie-the "popular" girl and our head cheerleader walks over and takes Justins arm.
"Hey handsome, wanna come and study later?" Kacie asks dragging her finger up and down his arm.
It takes every thing in my body to not growl and push her away.
Fucking whore!
"Fucking what?!" She screams. I must've said it out load. Justin laughs.
Jake comes around with Damian And he asks what happend.
"Marian called, barbie doll over here, and i quote 'fucking whore' it was pretty funny" one of Jakes school friends, Marcus fills in and Kacie lets out a screech before attacking me.
I lunge right back and tackle her to the ground punching her face a couple times before I'm pulled off.
"Let me go! That bitch deserves worse! Let me fucking kill her!" I scream and my capture hugs me from behind.
"In your dreams, you can kill her, love" Justin whispers in my ear, just as the principle comes in.
"What happened?!"
"So tell me what happened"
"Well she called me-" "she attacked me-!" "Yeah Because she called me a-"
"STOP TALKING ONE AT A TIME!" Our principle yells and looks at Kacie. "So explain your side off the story"
"Well she called me a, fucking whore! While shes the one who has this hot guy following her every where she's the, fucking-" before she can finish my principle asks me "is that true?"
I nod "i called her that because she had grabbed Justins arm and trailed her fingers up and down suggesting sex,by saying wanna come and study later,also she lunged at me so i had no wrong fighting back, and I didn't mean to call her that! sometimes when i think it just comes out!"
He nods. "Well I've heard the story now let me decide on it go back to your lunch"
We nod and head out.
Justin is waiting out side and Kacie sees him first "aww you waited for-" he interrupts her by pushing her away and b-lining it to me "argh!"
"Hey so whats the conscience?" He asks holding my hands looking at the cuts i got from punching her.
"Well-" before i can explain my principle calls me back into his office "I'll explain later"
"You wanted me?"
"Yes i do" he says gesturing for me to take a seat "after some thinking i decided that you weren't in fault but I'm going to send you home because you did break her nose, but she was in the fault for attacking you"
I nod.
"You can leave"
I go out the door and squeal. "I get to hang out in my room for like four days doing nothing!"
"Isn't that bad?!" Justin asks walking beside me.
"Nope, he just told me he had to do it because i broke her nose"
"You broke her nose?!"
"Fuck...."he says trailing off.
"Anyways if you want you can skip class-anytime-and hang with me note i might go to the mall" i suggest.
"As much fun spending time with you sounds love, i got work" he says scratching the back of his neck.
"Well another time then anyways i should be going to my room, I'll uh see you later" i say, hiding the disappointment.
He nods and we walk are different ways.
"You broke her nose?! Damn girl you are fire!" Cameron says. I called her saying i had nothing else to do.
"Yup and pretty proud of it! Justins reaction to this was priceless!" I say laughing.
"What did he do?"
"Well when i came out he asked if i was in trouble i told him no then told him I'm on house arrest for a while and he asked why and i said i broke her nose and he said-well more like screamed you broke her nose! Gosh it was funny!" I recall the moment.
"Well wanna go somewhere so your not sitting in here all day?" Cameron asks me looking excited.
"Sure why not" i say "what are we doing?"
"Well i guess your just going to have to find out!" She cackles and jumps of the bed and heads towards the door. "You coming?"
I nod and follow her after saying bye to Odessa.
We take her car and head to this mysterious place where she is so called making me find out.
I love and hate surprises.

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