Chapter 6

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I let the guys hang for a bit before i kick them out. "Im coming back, love" Justin says and butterflies Erupt in my stomach.
I nod smiling faintly. 
Once they leave the girls scream.
"Omg you totally love him!"
"You know, he meant what he said and he always gets what he wants" Cameron says in a worried but happy tone. 
"I was.....flirting with the bad boy!shit whats gotten into me?!" I say surprised.
"Ok this may sound weird but i find Damian pretty hot!" Clara says blushing.
"Nah girl it's fine! You know if he wasn't my brother there would be something going too" Cameron says.
We laugh and talk about boys the rest of the night before Cameron heads home i ask her one question.
"If you could date any person boy or girl who would you choose?"
She thinks for a bit "I don't know i guess I'm not quite ready for that"
I nod understanding her. 
I get up in the mourning and check my phone to see i have an un-known number texted me.
Hey love, just checking in, if you wondering how i got this i asked Clara for it
My stomach flips a couple times before i type back.
Thx for checking in-although it's a bit weird with only just meeting you yesterday, I'm good, hope you had a nice sleep,
I smile and send the text. Geez what has this man done to me?
We talk for a bit before i have to get ready for the club getting into my dress shirt and short jeans.
I drive to the club and see that Cameron is already there. 
"Hey!" I shout and she turns in one swift movement.
"Oh hey, how's it going?" She says with a sigh. 
"Well Clara gave Justin my number so we talked a bit" i say blushing and she squeals.
"Can i see what he sent?!"
I nod and hand her my phone.
"Ahhhhhh" she screams. 
"What are we screaming about?!" Tyler asks walking in. 
"Well Marian has this guy wrapped around her pinky" Cameron explains.
"Is he hot?" Tyler asks grinning.
I nod.
"Oh boy show me a picture!"
I ask Justin if he can send a picture of himself in which he sends a mirror pic no shirt. 
I almost faint. 
"Oh mama you were right! If he weren't straight he would be mine!" Tyler announces in which we laugh and the others look at us weird. 
I shake my head "Let's get the bar ready"
Im handing a girl her Dackerie, when the doors fling open and three scary men step in.
My first instinct is to arm my self. Which i do.
I go to the kitchen and grab a knife, and come back putting it in my pocket, knowing that these men only bring trouble.
"Hey you little lady with the black shirt!" One of the guys say pointing at me "get us three Alexander Keiths" i nod and do as they asked. Once i served them i rush to Cameron.
"All they will do is give us trouble, arm yourself" i say showing the knife i grabbed from the kitchen.
They stay here for a bit.
Im serving someone there drink when one of the men grab my ass.
"Oh what a delight! Nice thick round ass!" He breathes in my ear.
I try to shake him off he doesn't
"Get your bloody hands off me!" I say through gritted teeth, grabbing the knife. 
"Hmm I don't think i will!" He chuckles then screams as i plunge the knife into his wrist "you bitch!"
He lunges at me and i side step him dragging the knife along his arm.
Soon his buddies join in but me, Cam, and Tyler are prepared giving them a run for their money.
Every body is cheering and shouting at us. 
I look down and groan.
"Ugh I'm  covered in blood!" And of course as i say that Justin, Asher,Colton,Damian, and Jake walk in.
"Hey is everything alright?" Justin asks Tyler not noticing me and Cameron. 
"Yeah everything is fine" Tyler says winking at me. 
Justin notices this and looks at me. "What in the actual fuck happened?! Why are you covered in blood?!" Justin yells gripping my shoulders.
"Justin calm down I'm fine" i say laying my hands on his hands even though there bloody "three guys came in and harassed us, i took care of it" i point to the knife.
"Is any of this blood yours?" Damian asks looking at Cameron and Me.
I shake my head. 
Justin huffs a sigh.  "What did they look like?"
I shrug my shoulders, I didn't pay attention. "Did anyone video it"
A few raise their hands and i motion them to come forward. "Please do not post this" i ask them showing the guys the video. The people just nod there heads. 
"Where did you learn to use a knife like that?!" Jake asks with a shocked voice. 
"My......father taught me" it was true it's one of the only things i thanked him for "he thought it would protect me when he wasn't there"
Justin nods, frowning.
I hug Cameron needing her support.
"Geez what a night" i mutter into her shoulder. 
What a night.
Justin instead that he drive me home and i tell him he can but I'm not leaving my car there.
So he drove it. 
Once we got there he gives me a hug. "Please text me if anything happens"
I nod stepping away and telling him good night. 
I get to my room and head to the shower washing my hair and body twice. 
I get out of the shower and hug my cat.
She gives me an annoyed look, not liking how tight I'm squeezing her. 
I climb into bed Odessa jumping up and curling up under the blankets beside me.
Geez what a night, i think before drifting into the dark abyss of sleep.

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