Chapter 5

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"I was hitting on my sister and her friend?!" Damian yells while me and Cameron laugh.
"I knew I recognized you!" Jake also yells and it makes me laugh harder.
"I can't believe you guys fallen for it!" Cameron says laughing hard to the point where shes crying.
"Hey! Not my fault I didn't know your friend!" Justin pipes up, his other friends pipe up too.
"Hi I'm Marian and you guys are?"
Before they can speak Justin speaks "I thought your name was Lillian"
I shake my head "that was a ruse,i used my aunts first name and my moms maiden name, but you know if you like it......"
"Im Colton and this is Asher" i look at Colton, at his dirty blonde hair and green eyes and realized he was the cute and sweet one.
I look over to Asher and he's the one who you don't want to mess with but i think is like Damian, a softie on the inside.
"So uh what you wanna do now?" I ask Cameron.
"Could we go to your place I don't want to be with the guys also i want to see it too" she says and the guys protest.
"What did we do?!"
"Why don't you want us?!"
"What we'll we do?!"
"Now now you guys can go to guy stuff and we girls will hangout"
"Hey Cam' can i drive the car?" I ask eagerly.
She nods. I squeal.
"I've never seen a girl that excited to drive a car" Jake says scratching his head.
"Note that this is a 1967 Ford Mustang, one of the last of its model" i say with a matter of fact tone swinging the keys on my finger.
"Damn she knows her cars" Justin says grinning.
I smile back, winking at him "i love taking them for rides, especially the rare ones"
"Let's go!" Cameron says getting into the car. I wave good by then speed of.
"You totally were flirting with Justin!" She screams.
"Was that not was apart of the plan!" I fire back blushing.
"No one flirts that easily when it's fake! And even after you were flirting with him!" She says smacking me.
"Oh stop it!" I say grinning.
"Haha nope!" She says "just admit it you have eyes for him"
"Do not!"
"Do to!"
"Hey is that an old ford 1950s pickup?" She asks and I look in the mirror.
"Holy shit it is!" I say and get a better look at it "and it's Justin's!"
Her eyes bug out of her head "how is that his?! I've seen his cars and they are certainly not that! And how could you tell?"
"Well his hair and jacket also Asher is with him- he's just scary and always scowls by the looks of it!" I say and she looks again.
"Oh my god your right!" Then she stops "why are they following us?"
"Probably to join us" i say looking in the mirror again "i can lose them if you want"
"Yup lose them"
I nod and take the turn. They thought i was going straight but they thought wrong. Anyways i take a couple turns after that and head back to my place at the High School.
"You live on campus?! You lucky shit!"
"Wait until you see my room" i say grinning.
Once we get to my room i hear Odessa yowling. "What's that?"
"My cat Odessa" i say opening the door "hey kitten moms home" i hear a thump then another yowl before she sees me.
I pick her up and hug her.
"Oh my god you have the best room! And cat!" She screeches in happiness.
"Ok missy you said you would help me with my work! Oh hi I'm Clara Smith, Marians friend" she turns to Marian "bold, and sexy since when do you where shit like that trying to impress someone?" Clara wiggles her eyebrows.
"Ok first of all, Cameron this is Clara, Clara, Cameron" I say and go on explaining what we were doing, and the prank we played on the boys. 
"Wait so your dressing up like this to prank boys?! Without me?!" Clara asks laughing.
We nod "her own brother was hitting on her" She laughs harder.
Theres a knock on the door. And we all look surprised.
"Mail?" Clara asks. 
"Maybe let me check" I say.  And look threw the peek hole.
"How the fuck did they find my school let alone my room?! Are they fucking stalkers?!" I swear more nasty ones. 
"Well open the door!" Clara says eager to see the guys.
As soon as she opens the door the guys come in. "Sure come right in" i  grumbles.
"You left us!" Asher growls standing right in front of me. 
"Well sorry, Princess but i never invited you, also nice truck Justin" i say having the nerve to call Asher that.
"Oh hello little lady" Colton says grinning like a cat. But Clara ignores him and looks to Cameron and me with a look that says we need to talk. Colton blanches then looks worried. 
I signal for them to come and talk. As soon as were out of ear range Clara speaks "holy shit you never said they were super hot! And you! Those are your brother's friends?!"
"Yes they are, I've known them for like ever they can be real stinks" Cameron says twirling her hair. 
"I did say they were hot i just didn't-" I'm cut off by a shout "oh shit Odessa!"
I bolt over to the living room and find that Odessa is hissing at Asher and Jake. Mainly Jake.
"You still have this demon cat?!" Jake says and Odessa swats at him.
Asher just looks at the cat in amusement.
I rush to her and pick her up fast. "Yes I've never gotten rid of her!" I say clutching her.
Asher snorts "she a feisty one"
"Yeah she plays with her prey till it dies of an heart Attack" i say smugly and Asher looks shocked.
"Well thats odd"
Hey guys hope you liked this and are having an amazing life I won't be posting much im at my grandmas and they are Christian so i have to watch what i write in front of them, anyways hope you guys liked it talk too you later. 
-Emma Anna

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