Chapter 12

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A couple weeks go since moving in with Justin and the guys and everything has been....ok. So far.
Were all on edge with the Winter Dance coming up.
Every year Ocean Stone throws a Winter dance and basically it's a prom.
Of course there is none alcoholic drinks but someone always brings something in. 
Anyways me and Clara have been planning for a while on the dresses and now we're getting our dresses.
Of course Cameron is helping us.
This years theme is 'mystery in the snow' so basically we need something that says "cold and mysterious' or just something very elegant.
Cameron hands me and Clara each a dress and as soon as we put it on we fell in love with the dress.
What are the guys going to think?
We get back to Justin's and see that there playing baseball.
Unfortunately the ball comes flying at the car.
I rush out of it and grab the baseball before it even scratches the car.
"Oh those boys are dead!" Cameron growls and stalks to them.
A moment later we here her yelling at the boys and scolding them about what just happened.
I laugh my head off.
I help Clara bring the stuff in and then plop down onto the couch.
Everyone comes in and i look to see both Damian and Justin nervous. Very nervous.
"Whats up" i ask looking at them and they both freeze.
"Uhhh could we talk to you and Clara?alone." Damian asks. I nod and get up heading up stairs to my room.
Clara, Justin and Damian follow me.
I sit on my bed and wait to the door is closed before asking "whats going on?"
They guys look at each other and nod.
What is going on?!
Justin walks up to me while, Damian is walks up to Clara. I look at them confused.
They both sigh and look at each other before blurting "will you go to the Winters Dance with me?"
I freeze in shock then something in me snaps.
"Holy shit...." i say wide eyed.
"Oh my fucking god! Yes!" Clara screams jumping at Damian and wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him.
Justin looks at me and i give a small nod.
He sighs in relief. "Thank the devil!" I smile and hug him.
"Wait!" Clara pulls back "we have to have our outfits matching or somewhat matching!"
I laugh at her statement.
"Can we you know, make your out fit?" She asks giving them her puppy dog eyes.
Damian goes to refuse then stops himself. "Fine" me and Clara squeal with happiness before rushing out of the room.
"Blueberry!" We yell and Cam snaps her attention to us.
"Damian-" "Justin-" "asked me-" "to-" "the-" "Dance" we interrupt each other explaining to Cameron what happened.
She squeals. "Yes thank the gods!"
I smile then turn to find Justin standing at the stairs confused out of his mind.
I smile softly and say "don't question it"
He just shakes his head.
"Now let's go make your outfit!" I smile and rush past him to his room.
Clara does the same with Damian although he doesn't look as enthusiastic about it he still follows her. 
I walk into Justin's closet and look around until i find the suits.  "Perfect" i say grabbing a black suit, and grey dress shirt with black tie.  "This will do!"
He chuckles softly and makes his way over to me.  "What a lucky guy i am to have you has my date to the dance"
I blush looking down to the cloth in my hands.  He grabs my hand and we just stand there enjoying each other's company.
All the sudden Cam Rushes into the room. Me and Justin jump away from each other blushing madly. 
"Oh did i interrupt something?" She asks then shakes her head "never mind, Marian were going to be late for work"
I look at the time, my eyes go to wide "shit!"
I forgot it was a Friday. Usually school helps me remember but since moving out to Justin's I've been taking days off and I've been "sick" so they sent my work here. 
I quickly hand Justin the suit and shirt and rush out of the room.
"Good thing we went out this mourning" i say to Cameron as i grab my uniform and rush to my car which is a Cadillac.
Cam gets in her car and we speed down the high way and arrive at  Rogues den.
I rush inside and change as fast as i could. Which is in five minutes. New record.
Anyways i rush out and find Tyler tapping his foot impatiently. "There you are! I thought you would be late!"
"I know I know" i open the door and our shift starts.
Tonight was a slow night so it was dreadfully boring. But once the shift ended i told Tyler all that happened today.
"Oh my god! He asked you to the dance!" He squeals and is acting like me. 
"Oh and whats better is that he let me pick his suit!" I say eagerly.
He squeals again. "This man is a literal Angel!"
"I know!"
"So what does your dress look like?" He asks and i gave him the theme for the dance. 
Then told him my dress and Claras too. I explained what the colour was and what it looked like and everything.
We ended up talking for two hours after our shift ended.
Gosh what will this do to me?

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