Chapter 11

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The next day we spend unpacking our shit.
Which to say was......shit.
The guys tried to help us but in the end, they just left saying "this it to confusing" so me, Cam and Clara all unpacked ourselves. 
Which I didn't mind it gave me time to get used to the place.
Speaking of that...."hey whats in the backyard?"
Cameron stops what she's doing and looks at me with a crazy expression. "The backyard!"
I look at her confused then she grabs my hand and drags me out of the room.
She then takes me to the backyard to where i see a stable.
"Holy shit!" Is all i say before bursting into a sprint.  Racing towards the stables. 
Theres four horses here. Each different breeds.
"Oh my god!" I race to the Clyde, this being my favourite breed. 
He had this Dark almost Red brown pelt and had this strike down the centre of his face, his brown and black hair lining his neck and tail hanging down by the flour. 
He was beautiful. And i melted when i saw him. 
I know the breed I want
I look at Cameron. "May i....." she nods and I instantly go to find the tack room.
I come out with a English saddle and bridal and start putting everything on.
Of course brushing first.
Once everything is done i haul myself up onto this horse and ride out of the stables. 
"What's his name?" I ask wondering what this beautiful horse would he called. 
"Alastair" Cameron calls back. I grin. Fitting name. 
Just then i hear a bang and a couple crashes come from the house i and i look to see the guys scrambling over themselves.
Justins Pov:
I come down stairs from my room from a nap to get a drink of water. 
The guys were passed out on the couch cuddling. 
I quickly grab my phone to show them later. 
Asher has his arm around Damian and Damian head rests on Colton's shoulder while Jake rests his head in Coltons lap.
So cute.
I go to wake them up when i see something out of the corner of my eye. I look over and see Alastair. My Alastair out of his stall.
I ended up walking up the guys from there cuddlefest when i fell over the couch and stumbled my way to the side door to which the guys are following me just to see what happened.
"What's wrong with you man? Like dude!" Jake complains then stops seeing what I'm seeing.
"Shit......" Colton says.
Asher agrees.
"Man oh man is that girl on brave person" Damian says and i smack him. "What it's true!"
Marians Pov:
I laugh as i see them tumble over each other and Justin looks mad and shocked all at the same time.
"What are you doing on my horse?!" Justin asks walking up to me looking quite mad.
"Well i asked Cameron and she gave the ok....." i say and Justin looks at Cameron.
"I thought you knew no one except me goes on my horse!"
"Hey i thought she was an exception! Also they way she looked at Alastair i could not resist when she asked!" Cameron says backing up with her hands up.
"Oh" he's taking a step back "what do you mean?"
"Well when she saw the horses she be-lined it for him and when he looked at her she kinda just melted right there" Cameron explains and Justin looks apologetic.
"Ok sorry i snapped it's just.....he means a lot to me and I don't want him hurt"
"Justin, i had a horse like this-Gerry, she was that best horse I ever had" i say with softness "she listened and we had this unbreakable bond, even my dad said so, anyways i lost her before i moved here to California and it rattled me so much i was depending on Odessa and Clara for help, i know what it's like to lose someone and something special I promise I will take care of this horse"
He smiles faintly.
"Even though you never gave permission for me to ride him i still promise that" i say leaning down so im eye level-or as close as i can get with being on this massively tall horse. 
Justin nods "go, take him for a run"
I look at him surprised.  "Really?!" Excitement coursing through me.
He nods. I grin madly.
I click my tongue and tap his flank with boots to get him going. He starts walking and i feel he wants to go.
I lean down whispering "Go!" And slaking the rains and tapping is flank again.
He takes off.  Colton shouts in worry but i whoop and just move with this horse. 
I feel like I'm flying. Like i have wings and I'm soaring through the sky.
I laugh and let go of the rains holding onto his hair instead.
"Wa-hooo"i shout "whoop-whoop!"
He looks back at me with a glint in his eye.
After a while i turn him around and head home.  Walking sometimes trotting.
When we got back i untacked him and put everything away.  I looked around the tack room for cookies and oats and i found both.
So i put them in a bucket before bringing them to him and started brushing him.
Once i put him in his stall i walked out and closed it. 
I turn around and see Justin right behind me.  I react out of fear and go to punch him but he blocks it with wide eyes.
"Had fun?"
I nodded "i need one of my own!"
He laughs and takes me inside telling me what happened while i was gone.
What a life this is. 
Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in awhile.
This was a filler chapter but it also showed how Marians and Justins relationship is going i will put in some Mafia stuff soon but for now it's getting everything settled in but soon!
-Emma Anne

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