Chapter 2

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The Rogues Den Bartender outfit above⬆️ boys wear same thing but black dress pants and white dress shirt:
After our classes were finished i went to The Rogues Den, a club i found and started to work there i did get in although I'm underaged i just talked to the manager.
She seemed nice, and let me have the job. I wouldn't have gotten it if she weren't understaffed.
I get into my outfit which is a black dress shirt which is open a little at the top and denim shorts with my gold jewelry. The guys basically wear the same thing except they have black dress pants and a white dress shirt that is open a few buttons down to show there chest.
I heard that there was a new employee and I'm usually the one dealing with them so whoop-pei.
As I'm putting my shirt on when i hear the newbie scream "how the fuck do i get this on?!"I chuckle at the words of the sentence.
I go around the corner and knock "Hey I'm Marian Jones, do you need help?"
"yes please, I'm Cameron Olson"
Once I'm finished tuckingg in her shirt in her shorts i grab a necklace from the rack and hand it to her,i get a good look at her, the side of her head is buzzed and she has blue hair with a darker skin tone. It also looks like she has a lot of tattoos. Her brown eyes are highlighted by her dark- almost blood red eye shadow and black eyeliner, her mascara making her eyelashes look full.
"So your the newbie?" I ask.
she nods "what you mean by that?"
"well your new, so thats what we call you, newbie, now your going to stick with me while i help you, learn how everything works and if you need anything just shout"
"You'll here more then a shout" she says which puzzles me. I nod, switching the open sign on and unlock the door. 
As im heading to the counter i hear one familiar voice "hey MJ wheres the Newbie?"
"I don't know freckle face" i say to Tyler.
Tyler Johnson is one if my best friends and is a great guy all together, he has red hair and these striking green eyes. Also a lot of freckles. Hence the Name freckle face.  "I told you not to call me that!" He says ruffling my hair.
"Ah stay away from the hair!" I say ruffling his. He laughs and starts working. 
"Yo get me A Scotch On The Rocks!" I hear a man shout so i get his order, after taking his money of course.
I look around and see the Newbie is doing excellent at her job. Making three drinks at once. 
I nudge Tyler and point to Cameron.
"She's nice and good" he says "you know, if i wasn't gay I would sooooo be drooling over you two"
I laugh at his statement "thank you for the compliment!" I move over to where Cameron is and help her hand the drinks out.
"So you've bartended before?" I ask mixing a couple drinks. 
She nods "yeah, for my brother and his uh friends"
"Well you'll fit right in" Tyler says waking by.
"Who's that?"
"That's Tyler, he's another employee and a good friend of mine" she nods "also you can call him freckle face if you want" she laughs at that.
"Will do!"We continue our job till closing which is around one.
I huff "thank god its a Saturday, no school"
Tyler laughs "you don't work on school nights
"I know! Thats why i can sleep in!" I say cheerfully. "So hows Charles?"
"He is the best guy i ever met! First he likes cuddles which is my thing Second great bod to i love his back and chest" he sighs happily "and third he always gives the best gifts which are usually my thing collection, chocolates or kisses!"
Cameron stops dead "wait you're gay?!"
"Oh my god, i feel terrible about what i did! I am so sorry!" She says with shock.
"Wait! What happened?" I ask confused even more.
"Well I tried introducing myself and i think she didn't notice the outfit and said and i quote 'my brother will fuck you up if you lay a finger on me' i was surprised at her response so i left her alone for the rest of the evening, also apology accepted, anyways it's fine i get sooooo many requests from girls and i tell them and there like 'how? Your so hot'
We laugh. "Anyways your not the only person looking forward to tomorrow" he says and we look at him confused "i get to introduce my boyfriend to my family!"
"How do you think thats going to go?"
"Fine he might be a little scared of dad but other then that i think it'll be great"
I nod smiling.
"Hey Marian, are you doing anything tomorrow?today?oh you know what i mean"
"No i was just going to sit around and watch tv"
"Well do you want to hang out?"
I nod "what should i wear?"
I hear an annoyed sigh come from Tyler "what is it with women and asking what they should wear when hanging out with friends?!"
"Hey your one to speak! You called me at 7 am asking what you should wear to go see your boyfriend" i fire back.
Cameron just looks like shes about to burst. "Well something casual, well be at my place for a bit then we can go somewhere if you would like that"
"Sounds good" and with that we say our goodbyes before locking up and heading home.

The Mafias Angel-Discontinued Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora