Chapter 1

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I wake up to my cat having the zoomies.
"Odessa!" I say and she stops and gives me a look. "Let me sleep!"
She huffs and pops up on the bed curling up.  A couple hours latter my alarm goes off and i get up intending to have a shower, but something stops me.
"Ugh i had one last night!" I say heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.
After that i get dressed I'm this ugly Ocean Stone High School uniform. It has this black and white plaid skirt- the only nice thing- a grey hoodie and white shirt with a blue tie.
Were not able to have tattoos but i have one thats hiding-a lotus thats on the back of my shoulder.
I do have my ears pierced and basically thats the only jewelry we can wear.
Time for another boring day. And the worst class of all i have in the morning. Math.
"And here i thought high school would be fun"
Odessa rubs up against my legs "at least they let me have you" i had to fudged the truth a little by calling her my emotional support animal. It's true though she's been there every time.
But if i left her my parents house she would've been unhappy and would probably think i died and I couldn't stand that so i lied.
"Marian!" My friend Clara Smith calls, walking towards me while putting her blonde hair into a ponytail.
"Hey! Did you sleep in again?" I ask jokingly she nods "well odessa woke me up at five if that makes you feel better.
The bell rings and rush to our class. After an hour of math we have social, which is one of the inly subjects I'm good at.
I love history especially my homes history, Canada. You see there was a Mafia man named Al(scarface)Capone. He came to Canada after the states banned the drinks he wanted.  So he made a place where he could smuggle them. Of course in Canada you can make the drinks but not sell them, he still sold them.  Anyways he had his hideout in Moose Jaw, and people can actually go into the tunnels where he worked. I've been there and they certainly put on a show. 
The one guy got made at me because i didn't open the door to check if the coast was clear.
I didn't know he asked me so i threw my hands up in the air. 
Gosh it was a fun experience.
We get to class and see we have a sub. "Oh shit"
When ever we have a sub the class picks on them. The last one had a breack down and me and Clara had to take her to the office. 
After I finished yelling at them of course. 
I am well respected in this school, and EVERYONE listens to me well except the teachers.  But my math teacher is always thankful when i help the sub. 
This one looks different, tougher even. 
"Everybody listen up!" I jump at his booming voice, and everyone follows what he says.
"Thats a first" i say to Clara.
"I am your teacher today unfortunately Mr.Wright couldn't make it, I'm Mr. Hart" he says.
"Ha you think you can teach us?!" The school jock- Matthew says with a grin.
Mr.Hart gives him a death stare and one that means a painful death.  "You- whats your name"
"Matthew" i have never seen him that scared.
"What would you do if i had a gun and was pointing it at you face right now?" Well this will be an odd class.
"I would probably put my hands up then disarm you having the element of surprise"
"Well you don't have that
anymore" Mr.Hart says. 
"To day class we will be learning who made math and how it was made" and with that we started our hour but i had my brain full of  questions.
Who was this guy?!
Why did he do that?!
Why haven't we had him before?!
What does he do?!
How is he scary?!
Where was he from?!
The bell rings snapping me out of my dazed state.  I realized i know nothing about what we just watched.
I'll search it up later.....
"Would you rather join the Mafia or kiss jacob?" Clara asks. 
"Oh thats a hard one" you see Jacob is one of the hottest boys in school but being in the Mafia.....
"I would rather the Mafia" i say petting Odessa.
"Wait! What?!"
"Well you'll be surrounded by hotties and mussels and bad boys-also you probably be able to kill the one you hate most, i think- Anyways you'll be surrounded by hotness" she nods getting my understanding "they are probably good in bed to" i wink.
"True" Clara says bitting her lip, we continue on with the evening eventually heading off to bed.
She stays at my place not wanting to get caught by the security guard.
I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. "You did not!"
"Did too!"
I jolt up and hug her "you are the best friend in the world! I wish I could've had a roommate, so you could be my roommate!"
She laughs "me too"
We sit at the table eating. Odessa every now and then paws at the table for a piece of bacon. In which we give her small pieces.
"Do you think we'll have the substitute again?" Clara asks out of the blue.
I hope we do but in the end I don't think we will.
Sorry for the short chapter this will be about the length of them until i get past chapter four or five when i plan on getting things going.
Anyways hoped you liked this Don't forget to vote and comment, also i would love it if you shared this and my other books with other.
-Emma Anne

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