Chapter 8

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Cameron tells me that she has to blind fold me, and reluctantly i agree.
She guides me around until we get to the front desk. Once we get there she takes the blind fold off.
"Miss Olsen! What can i do for you?" A woman asks us looking at me suspiciously. Like I'm a prisoner.
"We are going to the range, she's my guest" Cameron says bluntly.
"Ok now i just need to ask a few-" before the women finishes i interrupt.
"Im Marian Jones, I'm eighteen years old and my birth day is March 7"
Cameron chuckles.
"Kay your good to go" the women says again.
Cameron leads us to a door and when she opens it I squeal.
"You took me to a gun range?! Oh my god best surprise ever!" I say rushing to the guns and grabbing a 7 mm Rogue.
I instantly load the gun and head to a target.
"Hey what about-" shes cut off by the gun going off "holy shit! Since when did you shoot like that?!"
"Since my dad" i reply coldly "he insisted that i learn sometimes it was nice- like hunting but i had no care for it the way he taught me"
She narrows her eyes "to kill"
I nod aiming again and firing.
"Can i ask you something?"
I nod getting ready to shoot.
"are you in the Mafia?"
I completely miss my target.
"I uh can I trust you? With this?" I ask hesitantly.
"Cross my heart and hope to die" she says placing a hand on her heart.
"Yes I'm in the Mafia but thats only when my stepdad came in i ran away from the Mafia in Manitoba"
"Deaths hands" she mutters and i nod.
"Oh girl i will keep this a secret as long as you keep mine"
"Cross my heart"
After Cameron told me her secret we continued to shoot and that went till 5 before we got hungry and headed too the Crab Pot.
They just dump your food on the table-theres wax paper underneath- in which you eat with your hands.
"This is the best place ever!" I exclaim.
"Yup me and my brother have gone here since we were little kids"
When i get to her place we noticed something off.
"Here" she hands me a gun and pulls out her own.
She gestures numbers.!
We barge in. Everyone looks at us with an ofd look.
"How the fuck do you know how to handle a hand gun?!" A familiar voice asks and i look around to see my best friend from childhood.
"Carter Miller?!"
"Oh my god! Marian?!"
We scream i drop the gun-which by the way had the safety on-and ran right into his arms.
"You two know each other?!" Justin asks as i pull away.
"Yeah he....." i looked at Cameron "helped me with school and was my buddy!"
"Im not anymore?" Carter asks looking offended.
"You still are tree" i say ruffling his brown hair.
Carter has always been taller then me standing at 6'3 he also has been a lot stronger then me as he has a eight pack and he just is muscle.
I also notice he has a new Moustache.
"Is that a top gun Moustache?" I ask hesitantly.
He nods.
I shake my head. "It looks good on you"
"Ya think so?"
I nod. We've always flirted with each other but never actually became something.
"Well um this is awkward!" Cameron coughs getting our attention.
I chuckle and shrug my shoulders "get used to it"
She blanches "are you two together?!"
"No god no we just flirt with each other a lot" Justin scowls at that. 
"Oh pretty boy jealous?" Asher says with a sly grin.
"No im not in just wondering how they knew each other but never told us" he reply's
"We never brought it up" i say putting the gun in my back pocket.
"You never answered my question!" Carter says with a frown.
"Calm down, I've always known dad taught me" i tell Carter and his gaze turns cold.
"This is why im here" Carter says "he's looking for you, Blue Jay, he's coming"
I freeze in fear and shock "no" it comes out breathless "no no no"
I start shaking knowing that nothing good comes from him. Ever.
Carter rush's over too me and starts rubbing my back. Helping me through this.
I feel trapped in a way and feel like an angle who's wings are gone , this is what he's done to me he destroyed me in a way that never fixable.
"Hey listen to me, everything will be ok, he won't get you I promise that" Carter says hugging me and holding me as i sob.
I push away from him and back away to the door. "He'll hurt you guys to get to me, to find my weakness, I'm not allowing that"
This time Cameron walks towards me. "Should you tell them?" She asks whispering it to me.
I nod "my step dad is part of the Mafia"
Justin goes wide eyed, Colton shakes his head, Jake looks shocked, Asher growls.
Damian asks "what do you mean?"
I take a breath "my......step dad is apart of the mafia" i take another breath "i will tell you later.
He will stop at nothing to get what he wants. 
Hey guys hope you liked this chapter, and the story with Marians nickname blue jay, is that Carter saw a blue jay and thought of Marian because her last name has a jay in it and he decided her nickname would be blue jay
-Emma Anne

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