Resolution of SEES

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" you're not listening to me , are you ? "

Alina looked away from her portable console for only a second , before returning to her fixation on the screen . She was the only one in the video game club that day , since many students had gathered around the bulletin board to see their scores . As for Alina herself , she was so concentrated on her game she barely paid her surroundings any attention . However , Cid was having none of it , he was ready to snatch her console from her hand if it meant she would pay attention to him . However , just as he was about to do that , Alina seemed to have achieved something in the game , as she thrusted her fist in the air in celebration , and accidentally punched him in the jaw .

" ack ! Cid ?! Where did you come from ?! " Alina recoiled back , startled by Cid's sudden presence

" where ... did I ... come from... ?! " Cid grumbled while rubbing his chin , before standing up and exploding in Alina's face with anger " maybe when I break that stupid game in half you would realize where I came from !!! We definitely made eye contact just two seconds ago , don't you dare make any excuses for this uppercut !!! "

" s-sorry ... "

" besides , aren't you a frail person ? What's with that abnormally strong hit ?! "

" I ... I was just so happy ... " Alina replied , while looking at her game proudly " I found the perfect route to complete my game , this will win me the competition for sure ! "

" the ... what ... ? " Cid felt even more angry to hear that , he found himself yelling at her furiously " do you even know what kind of situation you're in ?! Have you actually looked at the bulletin board ?! "

" no ... why would I ... ? "

" because you FAILED this exam , numbskull ! "

" huh ... you don't say ... " Alina shrugged as she took out a notebook , and seemed to note down the route she had taken in her game

" that's ... that's all you have to say ... ? "

" I've been thinking about it , and I don't think studying is worth it " Alina looked at Cid , but he couldn't tell what she was feeling at that moment . The only thing he could see was the crack in her forehead extending slightly further ahead " the doctors aren't sure , but I can tell that I'm gonna die soon , so I might as well enjoy what little time I have left "

" what ... what do you mean ... ? "

" this illness I have ... I don't know what the deal with it is , but it's killing me slowly " Alina smiled a hollow smile that didn't convey any emotion

" that's ... that's not ... " Cid shook his head in disbelief " didn't you say your illness was tied to your emotions, and so long as you ... ?! "

" things have changed ... " Alina replied in a way that seemed to implied the conclusion of the conversation " I'd rather we don't talk about it , it's only going to get worse the more I think about it "

" r-really ... ? "

" is there something else you wanted to tell me ? "

" eh ? Ah ! I .... I mean ... " Cid didn't know how to comment on Alina's strangely apathetic behavior " Kirijo-san said that during summer vacation we'll go to Sumaru City , she said someone could tell us more about the Lunar Nation "

" sweet ... " Alina replied as she continued to write in her note

 " Alina replied as she continued to write in her note

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