The Labyrinth of Time - Part III

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The members of SEES stopped in their tracks , losing their sense of the world around them . The news of the presence of Minato and Minako in the Abyss was so shocking it left them dazed , the only two who still had their bearings about them were Alina and Cid , as Alina quickly tried to make sense of what Fuuka said .

" I ... I thought I was imagining it ... " Fuuka wept " but they're here ... I'm sure of it ... I've been guiding them in Tartarus for months , and I know when Juno senses their presence ! "

" Minato ... Minato is here ... " Aigis stuttered

" why ... why would Minako ... even be here ... " Shinjiro clenched his fists angrily

" okay , do you mind filling me in here ?! Who are Minato and Minako ?! " Cid demanded impatiently

" remember when I told you that they lost two dear friends to them , I was talking about Minato and Minako , the very two people whom Fuuka was sensing . They told me that they passed away on graduation day , and yet Yamagishi senpai is sensing them for some reason "

" oh , then don't get your hopes up " Cid said " they're probably an illusion that's manifesting from your sorrows "

" is ... is that so ... " Yukari said in a saddened disappointment

" how can you be sure of that ? " Mitsuru asked sternly

" because you're sure those two are dead , right ? " Cid replied " the Abyss doesn't lock a dead person , it's not a purgatory . I'm lead to believe that it's build upon your regrets , so the mere sensation of those two might be another one of its tricks "

" no way ... but ... but ... " Fuuka was distraught over Cid's stern and cold words

" that being said , if they're the cause of this grieving , then we have to track down their illusions either way " Cid sighed " let's just chase after them for now "

" that being said , if they're the cause of this grieving , then we have to track down their illusions either way " Cid sighed " let's just chase after them for now "

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The members of SEES hurried through the new floor , their pace was a little too fast for Alina to keep up . They were all very eager to see if the presence Fuuka was sensing really was their leaders . However , in their desperate pursuit , they were rushing through the place without thinking , even as Alina called out to them , and only Mitsuru and Ken listened to her and slowed down .

" everyone , be careful ! " Fuuka anxiously called them " I'm sensing many F.O.Es in this place , but also no shadows at all . Maybe this is their nest and shadows don't dare approach the place ... "

Despite Fuuka's warning , everyone continued searching for Minato and Minako anxiously . They thought that , so long as they keep their eyes on the walls , they wouldn't need to worry about being ambushed . Soon enough , their path was obstructed by a wall , which they guessed was an F.O.E and began backing away from it . They were still very close to it , when Alina brought to their attention that another wall was right behind them . Thinking frantically , the members of SEES took a sideway to hopefully avoid getting caught in a pincer . However , just as they were turning around the corner , they found themselves face to face with another wall . Before they could understand what was going on , the wall bursted and let out a shrill scream , knocking their concentration off for just long enough for the other two F.O.Es to get the jump on them . They were now surrounded by three F.O.Es

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