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Alina made her way to the shrine near Iwatodai mall . Her mind was burdened by many thoughts , and her heart was filled with many emotions . She couldn't get a wink of sleep last night because of that , not that anyone in the dorm managed to do so . However , Aigis did suggest that she would go to the shrine , as it was the place the twins went to whenever they wanted to clear their minds .

However , in the shrine , Alina didn't get a chance to sit still and self-reflect , for the excited noise of a little girl playing joyfully distracted her . The little girl had a short black hair , and a cheerful and content tone in her voice . She seemed too young to be even in elementary school , so it was obvious that she would be so happy . However , she stopped playing when she noticed Alina sitting lonelily on one of the benches .

" hey , big sis ! " Alina looked and saw the little girl waving to her , and pointing at a ball that was in front of her " throw it back to me , big sis !"

" um ... okay ? ... " Alina threw the ball halfheartedly

" that won't do , put a little more ' oomph ' into it , okay ? " she threw the ball back at her " try again ! "

" uh ... like this ? " Alina threw the ball farther this time

" there we go ! That was great ! " the little girl laughingly picked up the ball , then happily introduced herself " I'm Al Basilion , nice to meet you ! "



I'm going to end this season right here , it was quite the wild ride , wasn't it ? There's more that this fanfiction has to offer , but for now I'll be stopping here .

First of all , I want to make a confession : the reason I started this fanfiction is because I wanted to explore the possibilities of resurrecting the twins , and this is the reason I specifically went out of my way to ascertain that they were not dead at the end of Persona 3 Red and Blue . Now , I have no excuses here , and what I'm doing is probably undermining the message behind Persona 3 , yes . If you think that's true , and if you think this story wasted your time because of that , then I can only say I'm terrible sorry , but I hope you had fun while you were here .

If you are willing to continue regardless , then we are faced with a new problem . I feel like death was no longer a legitimate threat by the end of Persona 3 Red and Blue , and the beginning of Persona 3 RES . Out of the main cast , the only main Persona users who actually came close to death were Shinjiro and the twins . Shinjiro was brought back by poplar demand , Minako was brought back and now I'm trying to bring both of the twins back because I can't get over it . This is why I had Natsuki and Miss Toriumi die , to reinforce the fear of fictional death in my story. And this is why I brought this choice to you , according to Alina's choice in her dream in the previous part , the story may get even darker from here .

If you pick the red crystal from Minako , death would be prominent but tame . If you pick up Minato's blue crystal , then brace yourself for a story where no character is safe from death . I mean it , there are at least three characters in SEES that I have my eyes on , and they would live or die by this choice ... !

I understand this choice may scare you , but I want to write a story that you would enjoy . Have you played Kingdom Hearts ? Well , by the third game , each and every character was resurrected at least once as far as I'm aware . This was a great detriment to the story , because now I can see every character in Kingdom Hearts being killed in the same cutscene , and not even feel a little sad , because I would still think that some contrived reason would bring them back . I did mention this before , but an author that doesn't respect the fear of death in their story , will not have their story be taken seriously , at least not by me . At the same time , I don't want you to just cry when you read my story , I want you to enjoy it , and to just cry one part after the other will eventually break you from ever continuing this story .

So let your opinion be known to me because it means the world to me . Do you want Alina to pick the blue crystal from Minato , or the red crystal from Minako ? And while you're at it , let me know what you think about this format of choice because I plan to do something similar in Persona 4 later .

You have until March 1st to make your decision .

With that in mind , stay safe and be healthy , and I'll see you in the beginning of the 2nd season of this fanfiction .

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