The point of no return - Part II

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After having his final question answered  , Igor began laughing . His laughter grew louder with every second , and it echoed in the velvet room with more and more intensity as he continued to laugh . Alina held her breath and kept her gaze as firm as possible. She wondered if her answers had satisfied him , and deep down she was thinking of another way to convince him of her commitment , for if he ever chose to terminate her contract , she would truly be a powerless pawn in the game .

" I am shocked , to think that you were hiding such a secret that even I was not aware of " Igor exhaled " I will be honest with you , my guest , I used to lament that the previous two guests that visited these halls before you were ahead of you in many ways "

" y—yeah ... I remember Finis telling me about that ... "

" to think my judgement was so misguided about you , even as I observed your growth in power and your choices this whole time ... "

" this conversation  stays within this room , it's only between you and me "

" of course ... in the end that is the nature of the velvet room "

" so ... did I pass the test ? " the girl said as she took off her mask

" yes , you did , Alina Nanjo . We shall renew our contract with you now , you may fuse any Persona and summon whichever you want from the compendium , for this time and only this time at no cost "

" that's ... that's great ... " she let a sigh of relief

" so what would you like to do ? "

" Helen ! Weaken them ! Invoke the Oracle Of The Abyss ! "

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" Helen ! Weaken them ! Invoke the Oracle Of The Abyss ! "

By Fuuka's words , her Persona appeared again . She chanted a spell that struck them with several pillars of darkness , which weakened and slowed down the two members of the Lunar Nation , and it even made them more susceptible to ailments , for when Mitsuru casted Tentafroo again , she successfully inflicted Abyssion with it . Norah tried to pass a healing spell to her partner , but it seemed that Fuuka's spell had slowed her down enough for Yukari to stop her with a wind spell of her own . Seeing this success, the other students of Geggokan had their confidence raised , and they quickly joined the fight . Mitsuru and Yukari's ice and wind spells , along with the attacks of the students together had Abyssion and Norah cornered , and their P-Link tension was resetted just to help them withstand the attack .

" we ... we lost ... " Norah stammered back on her feet

" why ... why are you doing all of this ?! " Yukari yelled at her furiously " you're just teenagers , you should be in school living the time of your life , how did you end up in this mess ?! "

" our lives belong to our master ... we do not question his will " Norah said stubbornly

" Yukari ... I imagine those two were also part of the Lunar Nation's experiment " Mitsuru replied reluctantly " just like Cid , they were orphans who were picked up to be their test subjects ... "

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