Living with determination

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The members of the Lunar Nation gathered in their own headquarters , but silence remained dominant among them even as they waited for their leader to arrive . The battle they had against SEES was unusually scaled against them , and it left them very tired , and some of them were severely injured , more specifically Sophia who was attacked directly by Margaret in full fury . Needless to say , their battle against SEES took an unexpected turn , it was the first time that they were pushed this far in a battle . Not one among could say anything , until their leader walked into the room with Ina by his side , both of them bore a look of contempt and silent rage , as they could see the severe injuries of their subordinates. The other members of the Lunar Nation exchanged looks of concern and worry , as if they were contemplating who should report the results of the battle to their leader . In the end , it was Scorpion who stepped forward .

" sir ... we were ... defeated ... by the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad ... "

" defeated ?! That's all you have to say ?! " Ina yelled at him furiously " they were weaklings , your Personas were far superior to anything they had , and you still lost ?! "

" their Personas are not weak ... they evolved , just as I had foretold " Sophia , who had her back against the wall away from the crowd , finally joined the conversation " I admit I was taken aback by the results myself , as the subjects who had their Personas evolving were completely different from what I had anticipated, but I understand that further confirms the necessity of my proposition , that  being our research into Personas isn't as conclusive as we had hoped "

" what did you say ?! "

" frankly , young master , I believe this result was quiet fortunate " Sophia said , her tone was more firm , enough to silence Ina completely " had it been SA17283 and ASW28380 who had their Personas evolved , it is very possible that they could have killed one of our most elite members "

" you ... don't say ... " Scorpion realized she meant him

" that is enough ... Sophia ... " their leader said , while turning his gaze to the world outside the tower " you have successfully proven the validity of your theory , but that still doesn't change my decision . The members of SEES are to be exterminated and killed , we must ensure that this goal is met "

" but ... master ... "

" after what they've done , the world was placed on a continuous pace to doomsday . Regardless of how much they can benefit us , it is now a necessity to kill them "

" I ... I understand ... "

" what about Alina Nanjo ? " Scorpion asked worriedly " I ensured that she was killed before we sought to capture Minato and Minako Arisato , and yet she was alive and healthy enough to intervene with our efforts ... "

" the process of pseudo-resurrection has never been this quick with her " the leader of the Lunar Nation took a deep breath, before saying " regardless , since we intend on eliminating SEES , that would mean Alina Nanjo as well "

" but ... sir ... if she's going to come back again ... "

" I know ... killing Alina through normal means is pointless ... " the leader turned back to them and said decisively " the next time we move , I'll personally handle the matter of her life . Until then , you are all to keep your existence hidden from the rest of the world "

" what ? Father , do you mean ... " Ina exclaimed

" so far there are two new Personas that SEES can summon , and even with just that they managed to bring us to the brink of defeat . Until we can study and update our data about them , we will remain quiet ... for now ... " the man turned to his subordinates and made a grave declaration " know that I will stop at nothing and no one until I see my goal to its succession , even you six are mere tools to me , and defective tools have no place by my side . You are hereby dismissed "

PERSONA 3 RES (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz